Report | and wander HIKING CLUB
in Mt. Bonooreand wander journal #36
錦織りなす山々に誘われてand wander HIKING CLUB一行が訪れたのは東京・奥多摩と埼玉・奥武蔵の境にある「棒ノ折(ぼうのおれ・標高969m)」。都心からのアクセスも良く、天気が良ければ、初心者でも楽しめる「沢登り」が人気の山です。
Drawn to the beautiful mountain scenery, the “and wander HIKING CLUB” decide to visit Mt. Bonoore (969m altitude), located on the border between Okutama in Tokyo, and Okumusashi in Saitama. Easily accessible from Tokyo, the mountain is also popular for “Sawanobori” (stream climbing), which, weather permitting, can even be enjoyed by beginners.
The name of the mountain has its origins in the Kamakura period when it is said that a military commander’s stone bar (sekibo) broke as he was crossing the mountain. There are various other theories about the mountain’s naming, and it is also known as “Bonomine”. Stories about the origins of mountains’ names are deeply fascinating, each seemingly intertwined with the folklore and myth of the region.

The meeting point on the morning of the hike is the bus terminal at Hanno station on the Seibu Railway. This station serves as the entrance to Hanno city and the rich nature of Okumusashi. Diverting my eyes from the people and cars that are busily coming and going, I look up at the bright blue sky. While there are a few clouds about, it looks like it will be pretty good hiking weather. Staff call out to members of our group as they slowly start to gather, and hand out a mountain guidebook containing the day’s hiking route and map. During the restless wait for the bus, the guidebook serves to help people envisage the day and calm some nerves.

When it’s time to depart, we all climb onto the light green Kokusai Kogyo bus. Even though it’s a weekday, many mountain climbers join us. The bus drives through the town, and climbs north alongside the banks of the winding Iruma River. As we get closer to the mountains, which have put on a splendid display of vivid autumn colours, we encounter sections of the road that are only just as wide as the bus. The bus, seemingly used to the narrow roads, courteously takes turns, yielding the way to cars coming the other way. This evokes an image of the composed and considerate hiker that we all also aspire to be.

After about 40 minutes, we arrive at the bus stop closest to the starting point of our hike, “Sawarabi-no-yu”. As we fill our lungs with delicious mountain air, we get into a circle and introduce ourselves. The experienced staff give off an air of calm confidence while the new staff appear slightly nervous. On this day some people are joining us for the first time, while others have been regular participants on our hikes. Now that we’ve all met, and a few jokes have been shared to break the ice, it’s time for some pre-hike stretching. After carefully stretching, and not forgetting to go to the bathroom, we set off. Green, red, yellow - as we walk past Arima Dam, heading towards the entrance to the mountain hiking trail, we are surrounded by the beautiful colour gradation of the late autumn mountains.

After about ten minutes, we arrive at the Shiratanibashi trailhead. Dappled sunlight falls through the trees, making for a very pleasant forest walk. Before long, the sound of a mountain stream draws closer. The air feels cooler and the rocks are coated with moss. From here we are to experience one of the real appeals of Mt. Bonoore, the climb up the Shiratani stream. This stream, a distinguishing feature of hiking at Mt. Bonoore, runs through a gorge, a word that originated from the French word for throat. The hike through the gorge, up the narrow river channel with steep cliffs on either side, is full of thrills as we jump over the stream and grab hold of chains or ropes to pull ourselves up the rocks.

For the more dangerous parts of the climb, such as rocky areas and “via ferrata”, we use the basic “three-point climbing technique” in which you start from a position with both hands and both feet all in contact with the rock. From this position, you move just one limb at a time as you climb. By always having three points in contact with the mountain you can reduce the chance of losing your balance, making a rocky ascent or descent safer. When descending in places with very uneven steps, you can also sit down and put your feet out first, to make it easier to transfer your weight.

After having fully enjoyed the “Sawanobori” our group comes out onto a mountain path, where we take a short break. At the top of a steep slope, beyond the area where we are resting is a giant rock, named “Iwatakeishi”. Some brave participants heard from a staff member who had climbed the route beforehand that “you can climb onto the top of the rock”, and immediately set off to conquer it. Thinking I would be able to get a good photo from the top, I also climb onto it, but having got to the top, my legs freeze and I am unable to stand up! Even so, it’s intriguing to think why a rock as high as a two-story house could be here.

Once we arrive at the Gonjiri pass, we are close to the top. This hiking route is actually also part of the “Kanto Fureai Trail”, a long hiking course of 1,799 km that circumnavigats the entire Kanto region, passing through Tokyo and the six surrounding prefectures. Two hours and forty minutes into the hike, we take a break to rest our legs, tired from the “Sawanobori” and subsequent steep climb.

Finally, we reach the top of the mountain at an elevation of 969m. The peak is crowned with fog when we arrive, so we decide to have lunch while we wait for a glimpse of the famously impressive view. A splendid cherry tree stands next to the sign marking the peak, making quite an impression. When the cherry blossom is in full bloom in the Spring, it must greet climbers with a spectacular display.

ハイキングクラブのランチタイムと言えば、and wanderから恒例のドリップコーヒーサービス。今回も東京・西原にあるPADDLERS COFFEEより、STUMPTOWN COFFEE ROASTERSのEVERGREENという豆を持ってきました。スタッフが3人がかりで手早く挽き、お湯を注ぐといい感じにプクプク膨らみます。漂う香りがたまりません。
You can’t have lunch with the Hiking Club without the customary “and wander” complementary coffee. This time is no different. Staff have brought some Stumptown Coffee “Evergreen” beans from Paddlers Coffee in Nishihara, Tokyo. Three staff members swiftly grind the beans, which gently expand as the hot water is poured over them, giving off the most enticing aroma.

One courageous staff member makes a ginger pork lunch set, which they had prepped the night before, while a
participant pours hot water over a Monaka*1 to make Oshiruko*2 . It’s fun just to watch
person’s elaborate
lunch taking shape. It’s great to bring something to look forward to when you go hiking. When you get tired,
remembering that a “treat is waiting for me once I get to the top...” can help motivate you.
*1 A Japanese sweet made of azuki bean paste sandwiched between two thin
wafers made from
*2 A traditional Japanese dessert of sweet porridge of azuki beans and mochi.

Luckily, the mist clears so with our bellies full, we are able to enjoy the view. Although we can’t see far out into the distance, the fog clears enough for us to be able to look out and enjoy the expansive view of the Kanto Plain. After taking a group photo, we begin the descent.

As the sun moves round to the west, the dappled sunlight falls through the trees, making for the perfect “forest-bathing” walk down the mountain. On the steeper areas, we take care not to step on loose rocks. Being completely surrounded by trees the whole time somehow feels mystical. I almost start to feel like a lumberjack. Nearing a mountain stream again, people at the front of our group all start pointing in the same direction, so I look, too, wondering what could be there, to see a huge face in the rock!

At forty minutes past three we reach the end of our long hike. For this trip we started climbing from Okumusashi in Saitama prefecture, and came out in Okutama on the Tokyo side. It’s a downhill walk to the bus stop, and gentle exhaustion and a sense of fulfillment blend together to reward us with that blissful, post-hike, feeling of contentment. We get on the cute orange and yellow Nishi-Tokyo bus and head towards Kawai Station on the JR Ome line. The moment we sit down in the warm bus, we’re overwhelmed by sleepiness.

Kawai station marks the end of today’s excursion. We all enjoy the lingering sensations from the hike as we wait for our train to arrive. The moon rises from behind the now dark mountain ridgeline. As we came down from the mountain, the round moon rose up. Ascending and descending, it seems to all be one cycle. Rest well tonight and enjoy the happy memories we take home from Bonoore, as we get ready for another day tomorrow. See you next time!
translation Yuko Caroline Omura