Report | Salomon × and wander
HIKING CLUB in Mt. Takaoand wander journal #65
2019年にはじまったand wanderとフランスのスポーツメーカー「Salomon」によるコラボレーション。これまでシューズを軸に革新的なものづくりを続けてきた両者が、初となるアウトドア・アクティビティを共同開催しました。まるで万華鏡のように多彩な表情を見せてくれた一日をレポートします。
舞台となった東京・八王子市の「高尾山(599m)」は「Michelin Green Guide Japon(ミシュラン・グリーンガイド・ジャポン)」での三つ星獲得(2007年)や、「SALOMON RUNNING BASE TAKAO(2020年)」、「SALOMON TOKYO TAKAO CONCEPT(2022年)」の相次ぐオープンなど、フランスとの関係も深く、一年を通じて気軽に自然が楽しめる人気の山です。
The dynamic landscapes of Mt. Takao
The collaboration between “and wander” and French sports brand “Salomon” started in 2019. Now, the two brands, both known for their footwear focused innovative designs, have come together to organize their first ever joint outdoor activity. Read on for the full report of the day and the kaleidoscope of experiences that it entailed.
The setting is Mt. Takao (599m), located in Hachioji, Tokyo. A popular year-round mountain destination, Mt. Takao has a strong connection with France, boasting three stars (awarded 2007) in the “Michelin Green Guide Japan” and hosting “SALOMON RUNNING BASE TAKAO” and “SALOMON TOKYO TAKAO CONCEPT”, which opened in 2020 and in 2022 respectively.

みごとな五月晴れの当日。京王線「高尾山口」のすぐ近くにある「Mt. TAKAO BASE CAMP(高尾ベース)」が今回の集合場所。
On a perfectly clear day in May, today’s HIKING CLUB participants gathered at “Mt. TAKAO BASE CAMP”, which is located next to the Keio Line “Takaosan-Guchi” station.
Mt. TAKAO BASE CAMP offers a wide range of services, including a dormitory-style guest house and a communal lounge with a café/bar, and caters for visitors headed for Mt. Takao as well as people going mountaineering, hiking or trail running in any of the nearby mountains.

Particularly distinctive is their shoe rental service which enables you to use gear from a wide range of outdoor gear makers, such as Salomon, at a reasonable price. On this particular day in late May 2023, over eight different models of Salomon shoes are available to rent. Each model is available in 12 sizes from 22.5 to 28.5 cm, with the whole selection coming to an impressive 150 pairs. Specialist staff are available to help you choose the perfect pair of shoes to match your level or purpose.

参加者全員の受付が完了し、さあいよいよ出発。まずは登山口へ向かう道沿いに新しくできたコミュニティプレイス「TAKAO MOUNTAIN HOUSE(TMH.)」に立ち寄ります。
もともとあった民家をベースとしたTMH.は、ちょっとした休憩に最適な軽食を扱うテイクアウトスタンドとSalomonのコンセプトショップである「SALOMON TOKYO TAKAO CONCEPT」を備え、この時期ウィンドウエリアではand wander HIKING CLUBが紹介されていました。2023年春夏のコラボレーションモデル「SALOMON Jungle Ultra low for and wander」の姿も。
Once all of the participants have completed their registration, we’re off! Our first stop is “TAKAO MOUNTAIN HOUSE” (TMH.), a new community facility located on the road leading to the trailhead.
Located in a converted private house, TMH. boasts a takeout food stall offering the perfect snack for a short break, and a Salomon concept store “SALOMON TOKYO TAKAO CONCEPT”. This season’s window display features the “and wander HIKING CLUB”. We can also spot the 2023 spring summer collaboration model “SALOMON Jungle Ultra low for and wander” on display.

From TMH. we head to the public square in front of the trailhead where we admire the Sekkoku flowers. Sekkoku are a species of orchid that attach themselves high up on trees and have beautiful white flowers that bloom from mid-May through to June.

We walk past the cable car entrance to arrive at the entrance to the “forest and water” themed trail 6. We walk along a paved path for a while and let the sound of the gentle trickling of the mountain stream that flows next to the trail wash over us.

今回は特別に2名の山岳ガイドさんが同行。トレイルマップの前で一旦立ち止まり、and wanderをモノトーンで身にまとったガイドの久保田伸子さんによるルート説明を聞きます。6号路から入山し、いくつものルートを巧みに組み合わせ、新緑の高尾山を満喫するスペシャルコースです。
Two mountain guides have joined us specially for this edition of HIKING CLUB. We stop in front of the trail map for guide Nobuko Kubota, who is dressed from head to toe in monotone “and wander” gear, to tell us about the route we will take. We will be taking a special route, entering the mountain from trail 6 and then combining sections from numerous different trails through Mt. Takao’s lush greenery.

Salomonとの共同開催となった今回のハイキングクラブ。自前の方も、レンタルサービスを利用した方も、足元を見るとみんなそれぞれの好みに合わせたモデルを履いていました。Salomonにはビギナー向けから本格的なアスリート用まで幅広いモデルがラインナップされています。上の写真はサブ3ランナーのand wanderスタッフ小山さんが着用していた「S/LAB PULSAR 2」というスピードモデル。下の写真はクラシカルな印象の「SALOMON ODYSSEY for and wander」モデル。アースカラーが山によく馴染んでいました。
Participants in this HIKING CLUB, which is co-hosted by Salomon, all sport the footwear model that suits best. Some have brought their own shoes while others have made use of the rental service. Salomon offers a wide range of shoes catering for beginners to serious athletes. Pictured above is the speed model “S/LAB PULSAR 2” worn by Sub-3 runner and “and wander” staff Koyama. Pictured below is the classic style “SALOMON ODYSSEY for and wander” model. The earthen color tones blend perfectly into the mountain landscape.

Quite soon after starting out on trail 6, we enter the “Biwa waterfall trail” via the Biwa waterfall, where Buddhist monks practice waterfall meditation, and join trail 2. We continue to hike in the dappled sunlight that comes through the trees. It’s surprisingly cool thanks to the shade created by the forest. After about 30 minutes we get close to the Kasumi-dai lookout point and our field of view opens up.

Coming up the rear to support the group is guide Isao Shimokoshida. He is a walking encyclopedia of knowledge relating to the local topography and flora and fauna. As he shares his knowledge about the mountain, he also makes us laugh with his great sense of humor.

After walking for a short while along trail 1, a large “Sanmon”, or temple gate, called “Joshinmon” comes into view. This gate marks the entrance to the sacred precincts of the “Yakuo-in” temple, which is located about half way up Mt. Takao. That’s why everyone removes their hat and bows before going through it. The wooden plaque reads “Reiki Manzan” (meaning mountain filled with spiritual energy), a reference to the rich natural environment and ecosystems of Mt. Takao.

The theme of Trail 3, which goes past “Joshinmon” along the south side of the mountain is “the flora of Takao”. One of the pleasures of hiking is not simply making a beeline for the summit, but taking the time to immerse yourself in the lush mountain vegetation. We stop now and then to see what we can see, to listen to the mountain, and enjoy the all the little details we discover.

やがて森の中に静かに開けた「かしき谷園地」に到着。お待ちかねのランチタイムです。今回は参加者全員へリユース型お弁当を展開する「FOR EARLY BIRDS」特製のお弁当が用意されていました。
Eventually we reach the quiet “Kashiki-dani-enchi” clearing and it’s time for lunch, the part of the hike everyone has been looking forward to. Today’s lunch has been provided by “FOR EARLY BIRDS” who make bento-lunches served in reusable containers.
The lunch is packed with delicious and nutritious food to revive our tired bodies and includes basil sausage, homemade ratatouille and “amazuke-takuan” (sweet pickled daikon). Underneath the meat and vegetables is a layer of rice mixed with “okaka” (bonito flakes) making for a satisfying two-tier lunch.

After lunch, our guide Ms. Kubota has prepared a surprise. We are to experience “Nodate” or “open-air tea ceremony”. Who would have imagined that we would be able to experience “Nodate” on Mt. Takao! We enjoy the aroma and flavor of the green tea as we breath in the mountain air and listen to wild bird song.

She mixes one scoop of powdered green tea with about 50 ml of hot water. Rather than using a circular motion she flicks the tea whisk back and forth, with a snap of the wrist, and finishes off by drawing a “の” shape in the tea with the whisk. Everyone is rather nervous about trying themselves, but it’s not as hard as we had expected. How does it taste?

After enjoying a leisurely lunch, we head to the summit. Our route has taken us from trail 3 to trail 5 and finally trail 1. Even though it’s a weekday, the summit was bustling with lots of fellow hikers out enjoying the sunny spring weather. We found a quick opening to take our group photo. Everyone, make a mountain pose with your hands!

We leave the summit and descend down to Yakuo-in where we greet the “Tengu” statues that guard the magnificent main hall. There are many “Tengu” statues in Yakuo-in and some are known to bring good luck or ward off evil spirits.

しばらく舗装された一号路をくだり「金毘羅台園地」まで。ここからははるか50km先にある東京湾までが見渡せます。最後の休憩を済ませたらもう一度森の中へ入り、金毘羅歩道(高尾山ちか道)を経て出発地点の「Mt.TAKAO BASE CAMP」へ向かいます。
We continue descending on the paved trail 1 for a while until we reach “Konpiradai-enchi” clearing. From here we can see as far as Tokyo bay, which is 50km away. We take our last break before heading back into the forest and returning to “Mt. TAKAO BASE CAMP” via “Konpira-hodo” (Mt. Takao chikamichi).

As the afternoon sun is shining through the gaps in the trees, we gradually start to hear the sound of trains, and once we emerge from the side of some houses we are very near our final goal. We use the water hose next to the building to wash the mud off the rented shoes, before returning then.

Some final words from the staff. We are not quite ready to leave yet. Did everyone have a good time? Mt. Takao is known for being the most climbed mountain in the world, with 2.6 million people said to ascend it every year. Despite this, today has been a chance for us to realize that it still has many undiscovered attractions. Our group hiked through more than 20 different routes and spots on this day.

The reliability of Salomon shoes safely saw us through the varied topography of Mt. Takao. Some of the participants who used the rental service and hiked in Salomon shoes for the first time were happy to report that they didn’t have any concerns throughout the whole hike.

セッコク→6号路入口→びわ滝→びわ滝コース→2号路→かすみ台展望台→1号路→浄心門→3号路→かしき台園地→5号路→1号路→山頂→薬王院→女坂→浄心門→1号路→金毘羅台園地→高尾山ちか道(金毘羅歩道)→落合交差点→Mt.TAKAO BASE CAMP
Mt. Takao showed us its ever-changing kaleidoscope of radiant landscapes. It’s great to find different ways to enjoy spending time in the mountains and to make use of activities and services that provide support to hikers so that each hike can be an opportunity to experience nature in a new way. The most exciting new discoveries are to be found in the mountains that we think we know best.
[The route taken by the HIKING CLUB group]
Sekkoku → Trail 6 entrance → Biwa waterfall → Biwa waterfall course → Trail 2 → Kasumi-dai lookout point → Trail 1 → Joshinmon → Trail 3 → Kashiki-dani-enchi → Trail 5 → Trail 1 → Summit → Yakuo-in → Onna-zaka →Joshinmon → Trail 1 → Konpiradai-enchi → Mt. Takao chikamichi (Konpira-hodo) → Ochiai crossing → Mt. TAKAO BASE CAMP
translation Yuko Caroline Omura