AIRBUGGY × and wander
collaboration interview
About “START YOUR ADVENTURE” seriesand wander journal #74
「歩くことが好きになる」を理念に掲げ、ユニークなバギーを展開する〈AIRBUGGY〉とのコラボレーションシリーズ「START YOUR ADVENTURE」。軽快な押し心地を実現するサイズの大きいホイールや優れた安定感と操作性を提供する三角構造、 さらに速度調整ができるハンドブレーキなど、これまでのバギーの概念を覆す独自の機能に、〈and wander〉のアウトドアスタイルをエッセンスに加えているのが特徴だ。
コラボレーションでは、ベビー向けを中心にペットにも対応したラインナップを展開。「育児」「子どもとのアウトドア」「家族」という、〈and wander〉にとって初となる領域での商品展開には、どのような思いがあったのだろうか。〈and wander〉デザイナー・池内啓太と〈AIRBUGGY〉を展開するGMPインターナショナル代表取締役社長の原口敬太氏にその裏側を聞いた。
"START YOUR ADVENTURE” is a series created in collaboration with AIRBUGGY, which centers around discovering the joy of walking. Unique features redefine the traditional buggy experience, from the large wheels ensuring a smooth push and the triangular structure providing excellent stability and maneuverability, plus the added convenience of a handbrake for speed adjustment. By injecting and wander’s outdoor style essence, a fresh take on the typical buggy concept is born.
This collaboration offers a diverse lineup catering to babies and even pets. With a focus on "parenting," "outdoor activities with children," and “family," this project is a new realm for and wander. We spoke with the brand’s designer, Keita Takeuchi, and Keita Haraguchi, the President of GMP International which oversees the expansion of AIRBUGGY, to talk about the inspiration behind this innovative product expansion.

当時は代々木公園や渋谷の方に出かけていたのですが、渋谷といっても、思った以上に段差や坂があって、〈AIRBUGGY〉の押しやすさ、安定感に助けられました。そんな接点がありつつも、偶然にも〈and wander〉も〈AIRBUGGY〉も、製造をお願いしている工場が一緒だったんです。
原口:〈AIRBUGGY〉の抱っこ紐「Baby Carrier」を開発する時に、長く背負っていても疲れず、肩が痛くならないものを作りたいと思って、登山用のハーネスやベルトを作るノウハウのある工場に行き着いたんです。
池内:〈and wander〉はハイキングからブランドがはじまって、今ではキャンプやライフスタイルまでカテゴリーを拡大してきました。裾野を広げると家族の存在も重要になり、お互いのブランドのやりたいことに重なるところがあったかと思います。
―Firstly, could you share the background of how this unusual collaboration between an outdoor brand and a baby stroller brand came about?
Ikeuchi: I used an AIRBUGGY when my children were little and I remember being impressed by how great a baby buggy could be. We used to go to places like Yoyogi Park and Shibuya, and the AIRBUGGY’s stability and ease of pushing were a great help navigating the steps and slopes of Shibuya. So there was that connection, and then we discovered that both and wander and AIRBUGGY happened to share the same manufacturing facility.
Haraguchi: When we were developing the AIRBUGGY “Baby Carrier”, we wanted to create something that remains comfortable and didn’t hurt the shoulders even through extended use. We ended up choosing a factory with expertise in crafting harnesses and belts for mountain climbing.
Ikeuchi: The people at the factory introduced us and we hit it off. We decided to make something together.
Haraguchi: It was a time when we were thinking about expanding our focus from the city to the outdoors.
Ikeuchi: and wander started as a hiking brand and has since expanded to include camping and lifestyle goods. As we broaden our horizons, the significance of family also grows, and there’s an alignment in the aspirations of both brands.

―コラボレーションのテーマは「START YOUR ADVENTURE」。このコピーはどのようにして生まれたのでしょうか。
池内:そこで、プロダクトを起点に一歩を踏み出してほしいという意味も込めて「START YOUR ADVENTURE」というキャッチコピーに至りました。
—Tell us the idea behind the collaboration theme, “START YOUR ADVENTURE”.
Ikeuchi: The inspiration comes from a photo book capturing the scenes of an American rock festival in 1969. It was the era of thriving hippie culture, where parents were seen bringing their babies and kids in carts and strollers to rock festivals.
Seeing this, we felt it would be wonderful to transform the notion of refraining from taking kids outside just because they're little. We wanted to help to create adventurous moments for families, inspired by the idea of making outdoor activities more enjoyable for children and their parents.
Haraguchi: For kids, the park, camping, any first-time experience is an adventure, right?
Ikeuchi: So, with the intention of inspiring people to take that first step, we came up with the slogan "START YOUR ADVENTURE.”
—Does your proposal to incorporate outdoor enjoyment with children into a lifestyle also have some roots in your personal experiences?
Ikeuchi: When my kids were small I used to carry them on my back when heading to the mountains, but obviously as they got bigger they got too heavy and we couldn’t go as much. Yet, I still wanted to take them along, and, of course, I still wanted to go myself. As they grew older, we were able to gradually expand our activities, like picnics in the park and camping.
Haraguchi: I think it’s important for parents to take their children outside a lot when they’re young. It’s up to the parents to create opportunities for growth. Playing with children in nature made me realize that experiencing the outdoors play a big part in nurturing their sensitivity and development.
Ikeuchi: Yet, in reality, taking kids outside can be hard work and we know that many people feel this way. That's why we want to make it a little easier. Our hope with this collaboration is for it to become a starting point for families to embark on outdoor adventures, making it more accessible for both children and parents.

原口:一般的なベビーカーでは使わない機能性素材やリフレクターの配置の仕方など、〈and wander〉が培ってきた知見を製品に落とし込むのは楽しかったですね。
—〈and wander〉にとって、キッズ向けのアイテムはこのコラボレーションが初なんですよね。
池内:そうですね。親子で同じ格好ができるというのはずっとやりたいと思っていました。コラボレーションでは、「fly rain long coat」の子育て仕様「FLY RAIN CARRY COAT」も展開しています。自分が保育園の送り迎えの際に、抱っこ紐をしてその上から被って使っていたので、「fly rain long coat」が便利なのは知っていて。抱っこした赤ちゃんがしっかり収まるようにベビー向けに機能を追加しました。
—The collaboration is designed for babies and kids but with an outdoor scene twist, could you tell us about some of its features?
Haraguchi: We’ve combined the strengths that we've developed over time. Takeuchi took charge of the concept and design, and we at AIRBUGGY focused on the structural and functional aspects.
Ikeuchi: We've added some luxurious touches, like giving the frame an original color, using high-strength Tsunooga® yarn in a ripstop fabric for outdoor use, and crafting synthetic leather specifically for this project. In addition to the buggies, the lineup includes pop-up tents, ground sheets, and apparel. The pop-up tent is designed so it can be attached to the stroller and the pouch can be hung from the handle, so that everything works together with the buggy at the center.
Haraguchi: It was a lot of fun integrating the knowledge that and wander has built into their products, such as functional and reflective materials not commonly found in regular baby strollers.
Ikeuchi: We thought hard about the color scheme. Usually, kids' items tend to be very colorful, but we decided it was important to preserve both brands identity, so we went for a more muted color palette.
—For and wander, this collaboration marks your first venture into kids' items, right?
Ikeuchi: That's right. I had always wanted to create matching outfits for parents and kids. In this collaboration, we've also introduced a version of the "Fly Rain Long Coat" called the "Fly Rain Carry Coat” specifically designed for parents. When I used to drop off and pick up my child at daycare, I would wear the "Fly Rain Long Coat" over a baby carrier because it was convenient. We’ve added features specifically to ensure a secure fit for the carried baby.

—What in particular did you want to achieve through this collaboration?
Haraguchi: I believe that parenting should be more inclusive and free from gender stereotypes. In 2002 when AIRBUGGY was established, the idea of men actively engaging in childcare was rare. Most baby strollers at that time were tailored towards women, with lower handles and a lightweight design for easy portability, reflecting the prevailing notion that strollers weren't primarily intended for enjoyable walks.
Ikeuchi: I like ultralight mountain gear, so I once experimented with one of the lightest baby strollers. However, the vibrations were intense, and it didn’t feel stable with the child on board. It made me realize that lightweight doesn't necessarily mean user-friendly.
Haraguchi: Plus, they can be difficult to push, making trips to the supermarket or outings to the park challenging. That's why at AIRBUGGY, we prioritize practicality by incorporating features such as a stable frame and easy-to-push wheels even on rough terrain.
Ikeuchi: Based on the foundation of AIRBUGGY's products, the collaboration has expanded to include everything from buggies and apparel to gear. With this diverse lineup, our aim is to enhance family outdoor experiences, be it a casual visit to the nearby park or a day camping trip a bit further away.
Haraguchi: I hope we can broaden the range and distance of family outings while transforming the notion of going out. With this collaboration series, I would be delighted if we could shift the mindset from "Can't go out because of the kids" to "Let's go out even more because of the kids."

text Kosuke Kobayashi
translation Iree Torii