Trail Dogs and wander journal #57
「Trail dogs」は “犬と一緒に、より自由に自然を楽しみたい” という思いから生まれた企画展です。よきパートナーとして生活をともにしている人も、これからそうしようと考えている人も、みんなで考えたい「犬との暮らし」。3階は、愛くるしい犬たちを描くイラストレーターのオカタオカさんによる作品展示、4階では、アウトドアプロダクトを手掛けるさまざまな愛犬家たちによる新作を紹介します。
12:00 – 19:00(最終日は17:00までとなります) 水曜・木曜定休
東京都渋谷区元代々木町22-8 3F, 4F
tel. 03-6407-8179
"Trail dogs" is an exhibition born from the notion of "enjoying nature more freely with dogs." Whether you are living with a dog as a faithful buddy or are thinking of doing so in the future, everyone who loves nature and is considering getting a dog, has a dog friend or is a dog owner should join us in this celebration of the meeting of the ‘great outdoors’ and ‘human’s best friends’. Drawings of ‘Trail Dogs’ enjoying the outdoors by illustrator Okataoka are on display on the 3rd floor, while the 4th floor showcases new works available exclusively for our exhibition by various dog & outdoor loving product and clothing designers.
Friday, January 13 ~ Sunday, March 5th, 2023
12:00 – 19:00 (closes at 17:00 on the last day)
3rd 4th Floor, 22-8 Motoyoyogicho, Shibuya, Tokyo
tel. 03-6407-8179
Life with a dog and all the complexities it entails.
Dogs have long been “man’s best friend”. The special bond between humans and our canine friends has existed since ancient times. If we look to history, remains of dogs have been discovered in ruins dating back to the Jōmon period (14,000-300BCE).Scientific research has also found that when a person and a dog look at each other, levels of the so-called “love hormone” oxytocin increase (not just in the human, but also in the dog!). In other words, both historically and scientifically, humans and dogs undeniably share a symbiotic relationship, which of course is something that dog lovers have known intuitively all along.
Exhibition of works by OKATAOKA and sale of made-to-order dog products brought to you by five dog lovers
The exhibition is made up of two parts, displayed over two floors. The third floor gallery houses creative work and products by illustrator OKATAOKA. When it comes to animals, Oka is particularly fond of dogs and our canine companions are a motif throughout his work. Oka, who has himself fostered rescue dogs, tells us that “being with dogs makes me kinder. I genuinely feel that dogs have made my life richer”.

Photo: Kosuke Hamadaアトリエのデスクに座る、イラストレーターのオカタオカさん。大好きだという犬と車は、オカさんの描く作品にもよく登場します。
Illustrator OKATAOKA sitting at his desk in his atelier. His drawings often feature two things that he loves - dogs and cars.

Photo: Kosuke Hamadaオカさんの鹿児島のアトリエ。室内にはグリーンがあふれ、作業机は光のたっぷり入る窓に向けて置かれ、気持ちよく制作できそう。
Oka’s atelier in Kagoshima. The room is brimming with greenery and his desk faces a well-lit window making for a relaxed and pleasant workspace.
The illustrations Oka created for this exhibition feature a duo of a bearded man wearing a cap (the resemblance with Oka himself is striking!) and a bi-color dog. The pair are depicted enjoying activities such as trekking, canoeing or driving through bucolic mountains. The pair are also the key visual for the exhibition and featured on the event flyers and stickers.

Paintings portraying a man and his dog enjoying activities together are on display near the exhibition entrance.

The illustration that was selected to be the key visual of the exhibition.

The third floor provides a space to fully enjoy illustrator OKATAOKA’s creations, including products he co-created with artists from his hometown Kagoshima.
After recently moving the base of his activities to his hometown Kagoshima, Oka also started a line of products born out of the local community there. “Kagoshima is home to many ‘superstars’ of the world of craft” comments Oka proudly. Oka describes the new environment he has found in Kagoshima as “a place where I can feel free to try out all sorts of new things”. The exhibition features new products by Oka that were conceived after his move to Kagoshima, as well as some car related items from the brand “HIGHWAY”. Oka co-founded “HIGHWAY” with Takashi Shimizu, director of design office “Judd.”, with whom he shares a love of cars.

「灰車(ASH CAR)」¥9,680、「CAR FLOWER VASE(一輪挿し)」¥7,800
“ASH CAR” ¥9,680, “CAR FLOWER VASE” ¥7,800

「CHOCK END(ブックエンド)」¥19,600、「DRIVING MIST(ミストスプレー)」¥4,200 も「HIGHWAY」のアイテム。
“CHOCK END” (book-end) ¥19,600, “DRIVING MIST” (mist spray) ¥4,200 are both products from the brand “HIGHWAY”.
4階では、5人の愛犬家たちによるドッググッズを紹介します。「Jindaiji Mountain Works」の尾崎光輝さん、「2-tacs」の本間良二さん、「Tacoma Fuji Records」の渡辺友郎さん、「Gris by muraco」の村上卓也さん。そして、ハンドメイドのドッグタグメーカー「Sloppy」とコラボレートしたのは、「and wander」の森美穂子。
The fourth floor features dog products created by five dog lovers: Mitsuteru Ozaki of “Jindaiji Mountain Works”, Ryoji Honma of “2-tacs”, Tomoro Watanabe of “Tacoma Fuji Records”, Takuya Murakami of “Gris by muraco” and Mihoko Mori of “and wander” working in collaboration with hand-made dog tag maker “Sloppy”.

The fourth floor gallery space houses a variety of original items from creators of outdoor products who are also dog lovers, as well as an interview article about Hutte New Casa (formerly Manaslu Sanso).
What do our creators think about life with a dog? How do they go about enjoying life with their four-legged companions? We hope that this display of their original products including bags, wear and leashes, accompanied by the words of each creator will provide an opportunity for people to sense the answers to those questions.

「Jindaiji Mountain Works」から、プライベートで使用するために制作している散歩バッグ「Walking The Dog Bag」¥9,900と、犬と一緒に山を歩くための 2.5mロングリード「Sky Dog Trail Leash」¥4,180
Dog walking bag designed for leisure use from “Jindaiji Mountain Works”: “Walking the Dog Bag” ¥9,900 and a 2.5m long leash designed for walking on mountain trails with your dog: “Sky Dog Trail Leash” ¥4,180.

2アクションで着脱しやすい「2-tacs」のドッグコート。生地は「BROWN by 2-tacs」と同じものを使用。¥11,000〜16,500
Dog coat by “2-tacs” designed for easy two action fitting and removal. The fabric used is the same as that used for “BROWN by 2-tacs”. ¥11,000〜16,500

犬好きをてらいなく表現したモチーフを前面に配した「HOT DOG RAGLAN SLEEVE SWEATSHIRT」¥19,800
“HOT DOG RAGLAN SLEEVE SWEATSHIRT” with an image on the front expressing an unpretentious affection for dogs. ¥19,800

「Gris by muraco」より、愛犬の名前が刻印できる「DW BOWL」¥4,400〜6,600
“DW BOWL” from “Gris by muraco” that you can have engraved with your dog’s name ¥4,400〜6,600

“Dog collar” created in collaboration with “Sloppy” ¥4,950〜6,050
“犬と一緒に、より自由に自然を楽しみたい”と思うのは、犬と生活をともにしている者にとって、とてもプリミティブでナチュラルな、共通の願いです。けれども、では、どうやって? ひとたび具体的な話となると、その考え方、やり方は、人と犬との関係性の数だけ存在します。
というのも、じつは今回の「Trail Dogs」の企画が立ち上がった当初、私たちはストレートに、犬とアウトドアに出かける楽しみを紹介する内容を考えていたのです。でも、事はそんなに単純ではありませんでした。公共の場に犬を連れていくこと、自然環境に犬を立ち入らせることには、さまざまな意見があります。当然です。犬を飼うということには、賛成の立場もあれば反対の立場もあって、コミュニティの一員としての権利と義務があって、それぞれにとっての正義や道徳観もある。社会生活のなかで犬を飼うということについて語ろうとするとき、ルールのないグレーゾーンに、私たちはどうしても踏み込まざるを得ないのです。
A “desire to enjoy nature more freely with your dog” is an instinctive and natural desire shared by outdoor lovers who also live with a canine companion. But how should we go about realizing this desire? If we think about it concretely, it becomes apparent that there are as many ways to approach the issue as there are relationships between man and dog.
At the time of its conception, this exhibition was intended simply as an expression of the joy of being outdoors with your dog. However, it turned out not to be that simple. Naturally, opinions about taking a dog into a public space or into the natural environment vary greatly from person to person. A dog owner has responsibilities as a member of the community, and each person has their own sense regarding ethics. When we talk about owning a dog in the context of society, we enter a grey zone with no clear rules.
Life with a dog is wonderful nonetheless.
It is always necessary to look for common ground between different values. It will probably be hard to find a solution that pleases everyone. And in such a situation, of course it can be easier to just create a set of rules without a discussion. However, is that really what we want? Isn’t there a way for people with differing opinions to come together, respect each other, make room for each other and enjoy a freedom based on individual responsibility, rather than each party simply trying to have the loudest voice. And could it be that this process itself is actually what is meaningful?
What are our responsibilities as a dog owner, our duties as a companion? What do we need to do to be able to continue living our lives with our precious four-legged companions, who give us their unconditional loyalty? These are concepts we will explore from here on in.

On the fourth floor is a selection of dog-related literature recommended by our exhibition participants available for you to browse.
For “dog lovers” and those who don’t love dogs alike - “Hutte New Casa”
Once you’ve purchased some lovely new dog products, then it is only human to want to take your dog out and use them. But unfortunately, more and more public places are taking the move to prohibit dogs. No matter your stance, anybody would find it uncomfortable when conflict and division start to dominate the “grey zone” areas, which previously were governed by individual manners and conscience.
Despite such trends, there is a mountain hut in Nagano prefecture that remains consistently dog-friendly. Hutte New Casa (formely Manaslu Sanso). It is not a facility that is solely for people with dogs, but simply somewhere that “doesn’t mind if you bring your dog”. This stance, that embodies a completely flat attitude towards dogs, where they are neither prohibited nor given special treatment, is actually very rare. The exhibition includes an interview article with the owner Nobuyoshi Yamaguchi, about the thinking behind his dog-friendly approach. The interview is accompanied by pictures of the stunning mountain views from Mt. Nyukasa.
What stance should we take, what decisions should we make if we want to enjoy natural habitats with our dogs? Yamaguchi helps us consider these questions. Because there is no single “correct way” to “enjoy nature more freely with our dogs.”

Photo: Jiro Fujita(photopicnic)入笠山中腹にある「ヒュッテ入笠(旧マナスル山荘本館)」は、ドッグフレンドリーの山小屋。犬連れの人もそうでない人も居心地よく過ごすには、どんなことに気をつけたらいんだろう? オーナーにお話を伺った。ヒュッテには、広々と気持ちいいドッグランも併設されている。
Hutte New Casa (formerly Manaslu Sanso), located halfway up Mt. Nyukasa, is a dog-friendly mountain hut. We asked the owner what is important for people both with and without dogs to feel comfortable. The Hutte also has a pleasant and spacious dog run.

An interview with “Hutte New Casa” owner Yamaguchi about being a dog-friendly establishment and photographs of the comfortable “Hutte”.
宮崎と鹿児島の県境で育つ。桑沢デザイン研究所卒業。書籍、アパレル、広告などにイラストレーションを提供。ペインティングのみならず、セラミックやウッドカットなどさまざまな手法で作品を発表している。YACHIYO KATSUYAMAとのユニット〈石に花〉としても活動。犬と車が好き。
Brought up near the border between Miyazaki and Kagoshima. Graduated from Kuwasawa Design School. Creates illustrations for books, apparel, and advertisements. Uses various techniques as well as painting, such as ceramics and wood cutting. Also active as “Ishi-Ni-Hana” with YACHIO KASUYAMA. Loves dogs and cars.
尾崎光輝(Jindaiji Mountain Works)
Mitsuteru Ozaki (Jindaiji Mountain Works)
Craft gear maker producing simple and lightweight backpacking gear, based in Takao, Tokyo. Creates highly functional dog products, developed based on fieldwork conducted with his rare Dutch breed Kooikerhondje, “Mingus”, as well as tarps, hammocks, wear and cookers etc.
1998年、ビンテージ服に加工を施した「2-tacs」を始動。2009年、自身の小説『ブラウン伯爵』と連動させたアパレルブランド「BROWN by 2-tacs」を立ち上げる。現在は東京と丹沢で二拠点生活。菜園、ガーデニング、木彫、執筆などの活動を行いながら愛犬と暮らす。
Ryoji Honma (2-tacs)
Started “2-tacs”, reworking vintage clothes, in 1998. In 2009 set up apparel brand “BROWN by 2-tacs” in conjunction with his novel “Count Brown”. Currently divides his time between Tokyo and Tanzawa. Lives with his dog and enjoys farming, gardening, wood carving, and writing.
渡辺友郎(Tacoma Fuji Records)
Tomoro Watanabe (Tacoma Fuji Records)
Founded the label in 2008 to create products based on “merchandise from music that doesn’t exist”. His work transcends artistic borders covering fashion, culture and “normal life” and includes collaborations with musicians, artists, and apparel brands.
村上卓也(Gris by muraco)
Takuya Murakami (Gris by muraco)
Line of dog accessories, founded in September 2022, named after the creator’s own dog, and based on outdoor brand “muraco”. Utilizes his competency in selecting the right material and a level of comfort, achieved by attention to detail acquired at muraco, to create products that are a perfect fit for both human and canine lifestyles.
森美穂子(and wander)with Sloppy
Mihoko Mori (and wander) with Sloppy
Founded her own brand in 2011 motivated by a desire to “enjoy fashion in the mountains and nature in the same way as in the city”. Creates items that stimulate our aesthetic sensibilities while also being practical and functional outdoor wear. Created a collar in collaboration with handmade dog-tag maker “Sloppy” for this exhibition.
* All prices include tax.
text Mick Nomura / photopicnic
photography Kosuke Hamada(okataoka), Jiro Fujita/ photopicnic(Hutte New Casa), Machiko Fukuda (exhibition)
translation Yuko Caroline Omura