I'm sure you'll stay
"THE FASCINATED"and wander journal #64
サボテンのイメージを拡張する、フォトジェニックな姿。群衆となったサボテンから放たれる、野性的で濃密なエネルギー。今回、OUTDOOR GALLERYに集まったのは、静岡を拠点に活動する“THE FASCINATED”の横江亮介さんが育てたサボテンたち。その多くが園芸店ではなかなかお目にかかれない希少種や突然変異種です。サボテンは長命。30年、50年、中には200年近く生きる種もあるといいます。静かに、けれども、確かに呼吸をし、弛まなく成長を続ける彼らから、多様なインスピレーションを受け取ってみてください。
12:00 – 19:00 (最終日は17:00までとなります) 水・木曜定休
東京都渋谷区元代々木町22-8 3F, 4F and wander OUTDOOR GALLERY with PAPERSKY
tel. 03-6407-8179
These cacti have such a captivating appearance that they force us to reimagine what a cactus plant can look like. When grouped together, they give off a wild and intense energy. This OUTDOOR GALLERY exhibition features a collection of cacti grown by Shizuoka-based Ryosuke Yokoe. Many of them are rare or mutant species that you would not easily find in a garden center. Cacti live for a long time – many for 30 to 50 years, with some species said to live as long as nearly 200 years. As they breath and grow, slowly but surely, they are a source of inspiration for us all.
Friday, 9 June ~ Sunday, 23 July, 2023
12:00 – 19:00 (closes at 17:00 on the last day), closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays
3F & 4F, and wander OUTDOOR GALLERY with PAPERSKY
22-8 Motoyoyogicho, Shibuya, Tokyo
tel. 03-6407-8179

60鉢近くが並ぶ4階の展示風景。全国各地で展覧会を開いてきた”THE FASCINATED”だが、これだけの量を一度に見れるのは初めてだそう。
Nearly 60 cacti are displayed on the 4th floor. Although “THE FASCINATED” has held exhibitions all over Japan, this is the first time for such a large collection to be exhibited at any one time.
“THE FASCINATED”(ザ・ファシネイテッド)の屋号で、静岡を拠点にサボテンを育てている横江亮介さん。扱うのは主に「奇形サボテン」とよばれる希少種や突然変異種。サボテンの栽培・販売だけでなく、そのユニークな造形をグラフィックに落とし込んだアパレルやポスターも制作しています。活動を始めたのは15年前。その経緯と、活動に込めた思いを語ってもらいました。
Ryosuke Yokoe is based in Shizuoka, where he grows cacti under the trade name “THE FASCINATED”. He specializes mainly in rare or mutant species known as “mutated cacti”. As well as growing and selling cactus plants, he also designs apparel and posters featuring graphics based on the unique shapes of different cacti. Yokoe has been working with Cacti for 15 years, and we took this opportunity to interview him about his experiences so far and the thinking behind his projects.
Such strange formations – I was shocked by their intensity.
――Please tell us how you became interested in cacti.
It was at a temple festival in Shizuoka city about 15 years ago. Every cactus plant I saw there had a form unlike anything I’d ever seen before. I was shocked and didn’t know what I was looking at. The shop owner who was selling them was probably in his sixties. The plants he was selling were quite expensive for me at the time, but I was so fascinated by them that I bought two or three plants. But they all died within six months of me taking them home. I wanted to know why they had died so I visited the shop owner in his cactus house. As I learnt more and more about how to grow and take care of cacti, I became more and more obsessed with them.
As a student I studied fashion and after returning to my hometown, Shizuoka, I worked in an apparel shop. When working there, I always felt that I wanted to find something that I could really call my own. While my friends were all becoming successful photographers or designers, I felt like I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I’ve always been naturally drawn to things with a physical form, not just fashion but also things like handicrafts or interior design, so when I came across cacti I just knew - “this is it!”.

Yokoe’s greenhouse in Shizuoka. Yokoe spends time in this greenhouse almost every day tending to his 500 or so cactus plants.

Ryosuke Yokoe is friendly and easy to talk to as he tells us all there is to know about cactus plants. Originally in fashion, he has branched out since discovering the world of cacti.
――Did you have any past experience of growing plants?
It’s not like I was particularly green fingered or anything, but I was interested in flowers in my twenties, and there was a time when I liked the idea of owning a flower shop. So, thinking about it, maybe I’ve always been attracted to natural shapes and formations.
Having said that, cacti, specifically the rare or mutant species, where shaped like nothing I’d ever seen before and made a huge impression on me. At the time, such cacti were considered unfit for sale, so their market value was relatively low, but as the younger generation, myself included, started to take an interest in them and talk about how cool they were, people started to recognize their rarity and they became more valuable. Although my interest in cacti started with mutant plants, I’m now interested in all kinds of cactus. I grow them myself, and the more I learn about how they get their color or how you can multiply them, the more my interest grows.

竜頭綴化/たつがしらてっか 実生約30年。もともと正常な個体だったが20年を超えた時点で綴化しだし、このような形になった。綴化とは、成長点が一直線に繋がり、扇状に成長すること。
Fasciated gymnocalycium quehlianum Approximate age - 30 years. Originally a normal cactus plant that fasciated when it was 20 years old to become this shape. Fasciation, also known as cresting, is when the meristem elongates producing fan shaped growth.

ヘキラン綴化/へきらんてっか 刺のないサボテンの突然変異。本来の形は丸みを帯びた可愛いものだが、綴化した個体は本来の形が想像できないほど奇妙なものとなる。
Fasciated astrophytum myriostigma var. nudum (or “Hekiran”) A spontaneous mutation of this thornless cactus. They normally having a pretty round form but fasciation makes them unrecognizably strange looking.

尾形丸錦綴化/おがたまるにしきてっか サボテンは錦鯉のように斑(色)の入り方で価値が変わることが多い。この個体は斑の色がサボテン全体に細かく散っていて美しい模様を作り出している。ここまで良い斑の物は中々市場に出回らず、価値も高い。
Fasciated Gymnocalycium pflanzii v. albipulpa f. varieg. Cacti are often valued according to their patterns, much in the same way as nishikigoi. This specimen has small colored speckles running through the whole plant creating a beautiful pattern. Plants with such markings rarely appear on the market and are highly valued.

ベルソルディー サボテンの中でもまだまだ新種と言われている個体。ぱっと見はサボテンとは思えない、ワラジのような楕円形の刺座を広げるユニークなフォルムをしている。
Mammillaria bertholdii This relatively new species of cactus does not look like a cactus at first sight. Its unique form is composed of oval-shaped areole that resemble Japanese “waraji” sandals.
――Yokoe-san, you are unique in that you grow your own cactus plants, rather than just selecting and exhibiting them. Why do you choose to grow them yourself?
Right from the get-go I had always intended to grow them myself. Or you could even say that it was through growing my own cactus plants that my interest in them was sparked. A greenhouse is the ideal environment for cactus plants, so for example if I graft some cacti together (a technique which involves artificially fusing two different species of cacti to make one plant), I can observe the transformation almost straight away. I think I learned how interesting cacti can be by actually observing their growth.
Although it does depend on the kind of cactus, in some cases their seeds, which are about the size of a grain of rice, will take three years to grow to the size of a one-yen coin. So, the palm top size cactus plants that you commonly see on sale in gardening shops have taken one to five years to reach that size. Knowing that you may wonder how much there is to do on a day-to-day basis, but there’s actually a lot! Re-potting, pollinating - I’m often so busy that the day just disappears. And then one day I suddenly notice that my cacti have grown. It’s those moments that make me happy. In Shizuoka, I go to the greenhouse almost every day, and spending time there makes me happy.

If you look at the plants up close and in detail, you will get a whole new perspective on them. The unique form of each cactus reflects its personality.

展示タイトル「I’m sure you’ll stay」に込めたのは、「君たちはきっと長居したくなるよ」という横江さんからのユニークなメッセージ。
The exhibition title is an expression of Yokoe’s personal message to his audience, inviting them to stay and enjoy the weird and wonderful world of cacti.
――”THE FASCINATED”はポスターやTシャツといったオリジナルグッズにファンも多いですね。
この展示のためにand wanderとコラボレーションしたTシャツは2型あります。どちらもパッと見はサボテンと分からないんじゃないかな。人によって何に見えるか全く違う、というのもビジュアルづくりで意識している点です。
Original goods featuring “Immortal cacti”.
――“THE FASCINATED” is also known for its posters and T-shirts, right?
Cactus plants are living. So that means they will eventually die. I thought it would be great to have cacti that don’t die, and that’s why I started making posters and T-shirts. I also hope they can be a gateway for people to become interested in the weird and wonderful world of cacti.
I made two T-shirt designs in collaboration with “and wander” especially for this exhibition although I don’t think you’ll immediately recognize either of the graphics as cactus plants. When I design graphics, I try to create images that will be perceived differently by different people.

and wanderとのコラボレーションTシャツ。ボディの色やプリントの色にさまざまなバージョンがある。半袖¥8,800、長袖¥11,000。「IQ2」は横江さんのアパレルブランドの屋号で、サボテンのIQは2〜3あるという学術論文から引用している。
“and wander” collaboration T-shirts. Available in various colors. Short-sleeve: ¥8,800, long-sleeve: ¥11,000. “IQ2” is the name of Yokoe’s apparel brand, and is a quote from an academic paper about how cacti have an IQ of 2 ~ 3.
――The poster panels you made for this exhibition are B0, which is an extra-large size.
Yes, I wanted to surprise people with how big they are. One of the things I wanted to achieve through this exhibition is for people to relive the “surprise” I got when I entered a cactus greenhouse for the first time, so I wanted the poster panels to have an element of surprise to them too. The visuals themselves have no special message (laughs). The only thing I aimed for was for them to not look like cacti. I wanted to make a design that would make people ask “what’s that?” when you’re wearing the T-shirts, because I think that sort of interaction could be a chance for more people to become interested in cacti.

B0 size poster panels line the wall. The transposition into a graphic accentuates the beauty of mutated cacti. Poster panels: ¥33,000 each.
何でしょう? 一番は、思い通りにはいかないところですかね。例えば、何年、何十年と育ててきたサボテンが、ある年に突然、形を変えてしまうことってあるんです。先が読めない。こちらの理想通りには育たない。生きものだからこその未知数な部分が面白いのだと思います。
Things not going as I intend - that’s the greatest attraction.
――In your mind, what is it that makes cacti interesting?
I wonder… I think the biggest attraction is that they don’t always do what you intend. For example, a cactus plant that has been growing for tens of years might one year, just suddenly change its shape. They are unpredictable. They don’t grow exactly as we intend. That element of unpredictability that they possess because they are living beings is what makes them interesting I think.
Another thing is their longevity. That’s also one of the themes of this exhibition. Cactus plants can live for hundreds of years, so they can be passed on from parent to child. You could have a cactus plant that a father carefully nurtured over many years that is then passed on to his son to look after. I want people to know it’s possible for us to have that sort of relationship with a cactus plant.
――And finally, are they hard to grow?
I wouldn’t say it’s easy, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be fine. You often hear that “cactus plants don’t need watering”, but that’s a bit of a misconception. They need water but I think it’s important that you allow them to completely dry out after they have had water. For this, sunlight and air is important. They should be grown in a well-lit ventilated space where the soil they are in can completely dry out each time after you water them. If you do that, then one day they’ll just suddenly flower and once you can get them to flower, you’ll be hooked (laughs). Seeing them flower brings a lot of joy. I’ve brought together a large collection of plants for this exhibition and because you’ll be buying them directly from the person who grew them, me, they’re priced quite reasonably. My hope is that you will come to the exhibition to discover your first ever “mutated cacti”.
1979年静岡県生まれ。静岡を拠点に”THE FASCINATED”(ザ・ファシネイテッド)という屋号で、奇形サボテンを中心に栽培・販売。各地で巡回展を開催する。サボテンをグラフィックに落とし込んだアパレルやポスターも制作。静岡市のセレクトショップ〈doodle & haptic〉のオーナーでもあり、ウェブマガジン「GOOD ERROR MAGAZINE」では編集長を務める。
https://fascinated.thebase.in/Ryosuke Yokoe
Born in Shizuoka prefecture in 1979. Grows and sells mainly mutated cactus plants under the trade name “THE FASCINATED”. Holds travelling exhibitions all around Japan. Also produces apparel and posters with cactus inspired graphics. Owner of Shizuoka select shop “doodle & haptic”, and editor-in-chief of web-magazine “GOOD ERROR MAGAZINE”.
text Yuka Uchida
photography Machiko Fukuda
translation Yuko Caroline Omura