Report | and wander HIKING CLUB in Ohyamaand wander journal #26
街の桜があざやかな葉桜に変わり始めた4月下旬、関東百名山にも数えられる「大山(おおやま)」を舞台に、第10回目となる「and wander HIKING CLUB」が開催されました。
Around late April, when the cherry blossoms in the city had started to turn into bright leafy cherry blossoms, the 10th "and wander HIKING CLUB" was held at "Ohyama”, one of the 100 most famous mountains in Kanto area.
Ohyama, a beautiful mountain 1,252m above sea level and part of the Tanzawa Ohyama National Park in Kanagawa Prefecture, has been an object of mountain worship for ordinary people since the Edo period.
The day of the event was blessed with a clear blue sky, the perfect weather for a sunny spring. We arrived at the north exit of Isehara station on the Odakyu line 15 minutes before the meeting and found all the participants immediately. After the assembly roll call and temperature check, we took the Kanagawa Chuo Kotsu bus to the “Ohyama Cable bus stop”. After passing through the city centre, we climbed up the mountain path.
After half an hour, we arrived at the “Ohyama cable bus stop”, surrounded by fuzzy fresh greenery. At first, we took a toilet break there. It is an ironclad rule to use the toilet in the mountains when you can. To get to "Ohyama Cable Station", where the cable car arrives and departs, you will pass by Koma Sando (approach to the mountain) lined with old-fashioned inns, souvenir shops and tofu shops made with water from Tanzawa. Some of the souvenir shops are already open, and mornings in the mountains are very early.
あざやかなブリリアントグリーンのケーブルカーは、小田急ロマンスカーVSEやMSEを手掛けた「岡部憲明アーキテクスチャーネットワーク」による2015年導入の新型車両。GOOD DESIGN賞も受賞しています。終点の「阿夫利神社下社」まで約6分。前面の大型曲面ガラスからはモコモコの新緑と市街地、相模湾を眼下に標高約700mの中腹までグングン登ります。
The bright brilliant green cable car was introduced in 2015 by “Noriaki Okabe Architecture Network”, the same company that created the Odakyu Romance Car VSE and MSE, and they also won the GOOD DESIGN Award. It takes about 6 minutes to reach the last stop, "Afuri Shrine Shimo-sha". The large curved glass windows on the front of the train allow you to see the fuzzy fresh greenery, the city and Sagami Bay below you as you ascend to a height of approximately 700m.
When we arrived at the “Afuri Shrine Shimo-sha”, where the trail we will all follow is located, we listen to a briefing from our leader for the day, Mr. Tateishi, on the precautions to be taken during the climb. We have 15 minutes before the start of the climb. Some of us went for a quick visit to the toilet again and some stretching, a pleasant sense of tension surrounds us.
Finally, the climb began. We started climbing the stairs from the "Shimo-sha Trailhead" on the left-hand side of the shrine, and from the very beginning the stairs were very steep. The steps were so shallow that you had to keep looking ahead, because looking back would have been scary. Hmmm? Well, I guess it was a tip that we should have kept our eyes on the road ahead all the way today.
普段はショップで顔を合わせるお客さんとand wanderスタッフが、山の中を一緒になって登ります。あれこれ話しているのはお互いの装備について。バックパックの容量や、ウェアリング、お気に入りのディテールは好みがわかれるところですが、この日は多くの方がSALOMONのトレッキングシューズを履いていました。
Gradually we entered the mountain. Step by step, we climb between the roots of the trees, between the rolling stones. From time to time, the sound of the wind blows through the branches and leaves. We took a rest and a drink in the cool shade provided by the intricate layers of branches and leaves. Each of us needed to rehydrate.
Customers and and wander staff, who usually meet in the shop, climb together in the mountains. We talked a lot about our equipment; the backpack’s capacity, clothing, and our favourite details are a matter of taste, but on this day many of us were wearing Salomon trekking shoes.
The route from the “Afuri Shrine Shimo-sha” to the top of the mountain is divided into sections from 1 to 28, with the 600 years old “Fufu sugi (married cedar)” at 8th section at the early stages of the route. Don't forget to stretch and replenish your energy while taking photos.
After an hour or so of climbing, the altitude had risen considerably. From where the view opened up, you can see Enoshima Island in the distance. This was the "Botan iwa (Peony Rock)" at 14th section. We were almost in the middle of the route. If you looked carefully, you could see spherical rocks here and there. How did they come to be like this? It is a wonder.
As the altitude rose, the stones underfoot became larger. When there were large steps, you had to use your hands to push yourself up. Climbing is a full body workout, using not only your legs, but also your neck, arms, back and hips.
We came across a Japanese deer foraging in the undergrowth. If you look closely, you can see that it has a very strong body. I wonder if it was an adult deer. The deer is so used to humans that it doesn't run away from us even if we are very close.
We arrived at Fujimidai, which is located on the 20th section. As the name suggests, we could clearly see the snow-covered Mt. Fuji. It's amazing how the sight of Mt Fuji could cheer up a tired body. A little further on, the mountain cherry blossoms were in their eighth bloom. Fuji and the cherry blossoms, it's a view of the mountain that would have blown away our fatigue. We were almost to the top. By the way, we were getting hungry.
するとここでand wanderからドリップコーヒーのサービス。渋谷にお店を構える「PADDLERS COFFEE(パドラーズコーヒー)」が取り扱う「Stumptown Coffee Roasters(スタンプタウンコーヒーロースターズ)」の豆に、登山前に「阿夫利神社下社」で汲んできた御神水でドリップ。山好きの経験者から幾度となく聞かされてきましたが、「山で飲むコーヒー」はまさに格別でした。
主に八ヶ岳で育てられた素材をもちいて丁寧につくられたトレイル用のドライフードとして人気の「The Small Twist Trailfoods」を持参していた参加者も。お湯で戻すだけでおいしく食べられます。
After two hours of climbing, we finally reached the summit of Ohyama, 1.252m above sea level. We moved to an open space and had our long-awaited lunch. We had all brought our own lunches for the day and they looked delicious.
At this point, and wander offered a drip coffee service. The coffee was drip-fed with beans from “Stumptown Coffee Roasters”, which is sold by “PADDLERS COFFEE” in Shibuya, and with the sacred water that we collected at the “Aburi Shrine Shimo-sha” before climbing. As we have heard many times from experienced mountain lovers, "drinking coffee in the mountains" is truly exceptional.
Some participants brought "The Small Twist Trailfoods", a popular dry food for the trail, carefully made with ingredients mainly grown in Yatsugatake. The food can be rehydrated in hot water and is delicious.

After resting for an hour and a half, we took a commemorative photo at a scenic spot at the back of the summit. I couldn't capture it with my camera, but with the naked eye you could clearly see Mt Fuji behind you.
記念撮影も済んで、さぁ下山開始です。膝への負担が増す下りはトレッキングポールがあると便利。and wanderから貸し出しもあり、すっかりリフレッシュした一行は足取りも軽く、丸太階段を下っていきます。
After a few photos, we were ready to start our descent. Trekking poles are useful for the descent, which can be hard on the knees, and wander lent some poles out and the refreshed group made their way down the log staircase, their feet light on the ground.
The descent, with the vastness of the landscape always in sight. You noticed that the mountains came in many colours: yellow, red and green. This time we walked slowly for two and a half hours from Karasawa Pass to Fudojiri, through the forest and along the gently rising ridges.
In the cedar woodlands, the bark and soil are the same color. surface of the ground, bathed in sunlight, shines through the trees, creating a magical world. Walking through the mountains in this way stimulates the senses from every angle: the complexity of the colours and light, the chirping of birds and the sound of the wind, the freshness of the moss, the shape of the leaves and the smell of the soil.
やがて山神隧道まで下りてきたトンネルの手前でヘッドライトの貸出しが。暗闇で光を受けてリフレクションを発揮するand wanderのプロダクトに、みんなまるでアトラクションを楽しんでいるようでした。
Before we reached the Yamagami tunnel, we were given the headlamps to use. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the attraction of and wander's products, which reflect light in the dark.
At the end of the day, we took a leisurely walk down to the bus stop in the western sun. Our bodies may have been tired, but our minds were refreshed, basking in the afterglow of the mountain fun.
A day out in nature with friends. I could see the attachment to the clothes we wore and the gear we took with us.
We can always enjoy the memories after the descent: "We climbed that mountain together, didn't we?”
We look forward to seeing you next time.