シェフの山ごはん #1 紺野真and wander journal #31
ウェアやギアなどのファッションに加え、アウトドアフィールドでの過ごし方も “スタイル”を形成する要素のひとつ。アンドワンダーではものづくりに留まらず、山遊びをより豊かにするためのアイデアも共有していく。今回は火起こしから楽しむレシピを提案。さっそくトライしてみよう。
Food cooked over an open fire in the great outdoors is full of flavours and an extravagance of the sort that cannot be found in a restaurant meal. On his days off, Chef Makoto Konno of Tokyo’s French Bistros “Organ” and “Uguisu” likes to go out into nature and enjoy cooking in the open air. Read on to find out more about this popular chef’s mountain cooking style and three of his recipes.
Alongside what you wear and the gear you carry, how you choose to spend your time outdoors is also part of your “outdoor style”. At and wander, alongside our outdoor focused monozukuri*, we also like to share ideas for making your time in the mountains even more rewarding and enjoyable. You will relish these recipes starting with the task of lighting your campfire and we’re sure you’ll want to give them a go straight away.
*Monozukuri literally means 'production' or 'making of things' in Japanese. The term implies something akin to artisanship - a pursuit of innovation and perfection and a sincere attitude towards production with pride, skill, dedication and desire to making the right product for the right customer.
レシピ1 ― ブッラータと季節のフルーツのキャラメリゼ、スパイス風味
Recipe 1 – Burrata and caramelised seasonal fruits with a touch of spice
“Let’s start with a simple and easy appetizer to toast with. This sweet and sour dish, which uses the Italian fresh cheese “Burrata”, is a regular feature on the brunch menu “Organ”. You can enjoy endless variations of this simple recipe by changing the fruits for those that are in season at the time.”
【材料 2人分】
ミント、タラゴン……適量[Ingredients – serves two people]
Seasonal fruit …… the pictured dish uses 3 plums and some blueberries
Burrata …… 1
Spices …… 1 star anise, 2 whole cardamoms, 2 whole cloves
Sugar …… 40g
Butter …… 20g
Juice of ¼ of a lemon
Mint, tarragon to taste【作り方】
① プラムをカットし、種を取り除く。カルダモンは殻から中身を取り出し、クローヴとともにすり鉢に入れ、細かく砕いておく。
② フライパンでグラニュー糖とスパイスを加え火にかける。全体がムラなくキャラメリゼされるように軽くフライパンをゆする。
③ キャラメリゼが進んだら手早くプラムとブルーベリー、バターを加える。
④ トングで時折プラムをひっくり返し、キャラメルを纏わせながらプラムとブルーベリーに火を通す。
⑤ レモンを絞り入れ、暑いうちに皿に盛る。フライパンに残ったキャラメルバターソースを回しかけ、横にブッラータを添え、仕上げにミントとタラゴンを散らす。[Method]
① Cut the plums and remove the stones. Remove the cardamom pods and put the seeds in a mortar with the cloves and grind with a pestle.
② Heat the sugar and spices in a frying pan. Gently shake the pan so that they become nicely caramelised all over.
③ As the sugar and spices caramelise, quickly add the plums and blueberries along with the butter.
④ Use some tongs to occasionally turn the plums over, and coat the fruit with the caramelized sugar and spices as you cook.
⑤ Squeeze the lemon juice into the pan and plate the fruit while it’s still hot. Pour the remaining caramel butter sauce over the fruit, place the burrata next to the fruit and sprinkle over some mint and tarragon. -
レシピ2 ― プランク・グリルド・サーモン
Recipe 2 – Plank Grilled Salmon
「アウトドア料理のよさは、やはり直火にあると思います。欧米ではポピュラーですが、日本ではまだあまり浸透していない「cedar plank」という調理法は、杉(=cedar)の上に具材を載せ、板ごと焼きます。事前にしっかり板を湿らせておくことが、具材に木のスモーキーな香りを移すポイントです」
“I think that an open flame is what really makes outdoor cooking so great. Cedar plank grilling is popular in the west, but not yet so well known in Japan. With this method, food is placed on a piece of cedar wood that is put directly on the fire. By making sure the plank is nice and moist before cooking, the food acquires a wonderful smoky woody aroma.”
【材料 2人分】
[Ingredients – serves two people]
Salmon filet …… 1
Garlic (sliced) …… 2 cloves
Dill …… 4~6 sprigs
Dijon mustard …… 70g
Honey …… 30g
Lemon slices …… 4
Salt and pepper to taste
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Vegetables to accompany
Grilling plank (or any plank of cedar, sakura cherry or hinoki cypress)
① プランクボードは数時間前から水に浸し、十分に水分を吸わせておく。
② サーモンフィレの両面に塩をふり、ディジョンマスタードとはちみつを混ぜ合わせたものを塗る。
③ プランクボードにニンニクのスライスとディルをのせ、その上に②のサーモンフィレを置き、ニンニクのスライスとディル、レモンのスライスを乗せる。
④ 黒こしょうをふり、エキストラヴァージンオリーヴオイルを回しかける。
⑤ サーモンをプランクボードごとアルミ箔で包み、焚き火の弱い箇所に置き、約15分加熱する。プランクボードに炎が燃え移りそうになったら、霧吹きで水をかける。時折様子を見て、サーモンに火が入ったら完成。アスパラなど好みの焼き野菜を添える。[Method]
① Soak the plank in water for a few hours before cooking to make sure it has absorbed enough moisture.
② Sprinkle salt on both sides of the salmon filet. Combine the mustard and honey and spread the mixture onto the fish.
③ Put half the sliced garlic and dill onto the grilling plank and place the salmon filet on top. Put the remaining garlic and dill on top of the fish along with the lemon slices.
④ Sprinkle with black pepper and drizzle over the extra virgin olive oil.
⑤ Wrap the whole fish filet and grilling plank in aluminium foil and place on an area of the fire with low heat to cook for about 15 minutes. If it looks like the grilling plank might catch fire, spray it with water. Check on it occasionally. Once the salmon is cooked through it is ready. Accompany with your preferred grilled vegetables, such as asparagus. -
レシピ3 ― タコ・デ・アルボンデイガス(ミートボールのタコス)
Recipe 3 – Tacos de Albondigas (Tacos with Meatballs)
“This recipe uses authentic handmade tortillas, which are actually easy to make once you get hold of some masa harina (corn flour dough). Freshly made tortillas have a delightful corn aroma. Making them is fun too and can be the perfect activity to liven up your camping trip or a BBQ. Bring your family and friends together around the table to enjoy plates full of mouthwatering tacos.”
【材料 2〜4人分】
〜A アルボンディガスの材料〜 豚挽肉……350g
ニンニク……2片 (みじん切り)
玉ねぎ……1/4個 (粗みじん切り)
マッシュルーム……6個 (粗みじん切り)
パクチー……2束 (粗みじん切り)
クミン、コリアンダ……5つまみ (ミルで挽いておく)
クローヴ、カイエンヌペッパーパウダー……1つまみ (ミルで挽いておく)
塩、黒コショウ……適量[Ingredients – serves 2 to 4 people]
~A: Ingredients for the Albondigas~ Minced pork …… 350g
Garlic …… 2 cloves (finely chopped)
Onion …… ¼ (chopped)
Mushroom …… 6 (chopped)
Coriander …… 2 bunches (chopped)
Cumin and coriander seeds …… 5 pinches (ground)
Nutmeg powder, paprika powder …… 4 pinches
Cloves, cayenne pepper …… 1 pinch (ground)
Salt and pepper to taste[A アルボンディガスの下ごしらえ] ① 挽肉は冷蔵庫で十分に冷やしておく。クミン、コリアンダー、クローヴはすでにパウダー状になっているものでも代用可。
② 大きめのボウルを氷に当て、全ての材料を入れ冷やしながら粘りが出るまで良く捏ねる。
③ 塩、黒コショウで味をととのえる。(②の一部を小さじ1杯分程度取り、フライパンで焼くか、レンジで加熱して味見をしてもよい)[A: Preparation for the Albondigas] ① Chill the minced meat in the fridge. The cumin, coriander and cloves can all be replaced with ready ground powder.
② Put all the ingredients on a bowl. Place the bowl on ice to chill it as you combine the ingredients together, mixing well to get a sticky consistency.
③ Season with salt and pepper to taste. (You can take a teaspoon of the minced meet mixture and cook it in a frying pan or in a microwave to taste it.)〜B サルサの材料〜 ミディトマト……6個 (プチトマト12個でも代用可)
エシャロット……2/3個 (赤玉ねぎや普通の玉ねぎ1/3個でも代用可)
青唐辛子……1本〜2本 (鷹の爪2本でも代用可)
塩……適量~B: Ingredients for the Salsa~ Medium size tomatoes …… 6 (or 12 cherry tomatoes)
Shallot …… 2/3 (or 1/3 of a red or normal onion)
Garlic …… 1 and ½ cloves
Red chili …… 1~2 (or 2 dried chilies)
Coriander …… 2 sprigs
Juice from ½ a lime
Salt to taste[B サルサの下ごしらえ] ① ミディトマトを5mm角にカット。エシャロット、ニンニク、青唐辛子、パクチーはみじん切りする。
② ①をボウルに入れ、ライムの絞り汁を加え、塩で味を整えたら完成。[B: Preparation for the Salsa] ① Cut the tomatoes into 5 mm cubes. Finely chop the shallot, garlic, chili and coriander leaves.
② Put everything in a bowl, add the lime juice and season with salt.〜C トルティーヤの材料〜 マサ(メキシコのトウモロコシの粉。黒い粉でも黄色の粉でもどちらでも可)……100g
お湯……150cc~C: Ingredients for the Tortillas~ Masa harina (Mexican corn dough flour. Both the black or yellow kinds are fine.) …… 100g
Salt …… 2g
Warm water …… 150cc[C タコスの皮の下ごしらえ] ① ボウルにマサとお湯と塩を加えてよく捏ねる。ラップなどで包んでおくと数時間の保存は可能。
[C: Preparations for the Tacos] ① Put the masa harina, warm water and salt in a bowl and knead well. You can wrap the dough and keep it for a few hours.
① アルボンディガスを作る。Aの材料を混ぜ、食べやすいピンポン玉大に丸め、油をしいたフライパンで焼く。
② タコスの皮を焼く。タコスの皮の生地をゴルフボール大に丸め、タコスマシーンでプレスするか、手で薄く伸ばして直径約8〜10cmに円形に成型する。
③ フライパンを熱して油をしき、ペーパーで余分な油を拭き取ってから、伸ばした生地を焼く。焼き色がついたら、ひっくり返し、反対側の面にも焼き色をつける。
④ ③のタコスの皮の上に①のあるアルボンディガスを乗せ、サルサをかける。仕上げにパクチーを散らして完成。お好みでライムを絞るとより爽やかな味わいになる。[Method]
① Make the albondigas. Mix all the A ingredients together, and shape the mixture into table tennis size balls and fry them in a frying pan with some oil.
② Cook the tacos. Shape the dough into golf size balls and flatten them either with a tacos machine or by hand to make them into thin circles, about 8~10cm in diameter.
③ Heat the frying pan and add some oil. Use a paper towel to remove any excess oil and cook the tacos. Flip them over when they have browned on one side, and cook the other side in the same way.
④ Serve the albondigas on top of the tacos, with the salsa and coriander as garnish. Squeeze more lime juice on top as desired for an even fresher taste.
The distinctive delicious flavour of open-air cooking is in the flame
“There are three things that I look forward to when going to a mountain or a lake. The first is first thing in the morning, those moments of tranquillity and of doing nothing. I love the quiet mornings, when I can just appreciate the sound of water flowing nearby. When I’m cooking during a camping trip, I’m on a mission to make sure everyone’s well fed, and I don’t have a chance to enjoy my surroundings (laughs). So, the mornings after a busy night of cooking are a moment for me to unwind. The second thing I look forward to is pouring a coffee in the morning. And the third is making the campfire. It’s hard work, but something I really enjoy.”
Former boy scout Chef Konno picks up a knife with a practiced hand and makes a feather stick from a tree branch to kindle the fire. The sparks fall onto the pieces of hemp string, and quickly grow into flames as they are fanned.
“Primitive cooking techniques are actually having a revival in the world of gastronomy. Trends have changed from 10 years ago when it was all about low temperature cooking with the latest oven. People are once again coming to appreciate how sumptuous meat and vegetables cooked simply over an open flame can be, and I really agree with this. When I try and recreate dishes that turned out really well when camping, I just can’t get the same flavour when cooking them in my restaurant. The open flame really adds a magic touch.”
Cooking over a fire that you built yourself is actually not so difficult. The key to making these mountain recipes successfully is in the 20 or so minutes of preparation done before leaving home.
“Finely chopping onions or mixing minced meat at a campsite is hard work and time consuming no matter who’s doing it. By doing these tasks in your kitchen before leaving home, you can make your life much easier and the whole task of outdoor cooking becomes less daunting. I believe that the key to cooking outdoors is preparation.”

紺野さん着用商品は こちら
Makoto Konno
Chef Konno is from Tokyo and was born in 1969. He travelled to America as a student where he worked part time at restaurants. Upon his return to Japan, he continued to learn the trade working in cafes and bistros. He opened his first restaurant “Uguisu” in Sangenjaya in 2005 followed by “Organ” in Nishiogikubo in 2011.
text euphoria FACTORY
photography Natalie Cantacuzino
translation Yuko Caroline Omura