シェフの山ごはん #3
山戸ユカand wander journal #42
山ごはんレシピ第3回に登場いただくのは、山梨・八ヶ岳の麓で食堂〈DILL eat,life.〉を営む料理家の山戸ユカさん。旅とアウトドアをこよなく愛する夫の浩介さんとともに、森や田畑に囲まれた長閑な環境のなかで暮らしている。
Yuka Yamato is a chef who runs a restaurant called “DILL eat,life.” at the foot of the Yatsugatake Mountains in Yamanashi Prefecture. With her husband Kosuke, an avid travel and outdoor lover, she enjoys a tranquil life in an environment surrounded by woods and farmland.
She was born and raised in Tokyo, but her father loved the mountains and used to build a fire in the yard occasionally in her childhood. According to Yuka, her “mentor of fire-building” is her mother.
When she lived in Tokyo, she would often hustle to buy the ingredients before going on a camping or hiking trip to make well-prepared, fancy campfire dishes. “I have once made Chapati at a tent site in the Northern Japan Alps and also made udon noodles at a camp. My bag was super heavy,” she said, laughing. However, their purpose of camping changed after they moved to their current home.
“We go to the mountains for climbing and camp so that we are ready to go back out climbing the next day. Also, we build a campfire to keep ourselves warm while cooking. To spend as much time as possible for the fun, we want to keep the cooking process to a minimum. That’s why we usually prepare easy camping meals that we can make by simply leaving the ingredients to simmer or sizzle over the heat.”
Yuka made a camp dish in no time while talking about her camping style. The “Hungarian chicken-cauliflower stew” is almost ready to eat.
“It’s simple, but this stew has a good punch of paprika flavor. By adding some yogurt, you can make the dish taste lighter and milder. If you want to richen the flavor, serve with sour cream instead. I very much recommend enjoying it with bread.”

レシピ1 ― チキンとカリフラワーのハンガリー風煮込み
【材料 4人分】
ブラックペッパー……少々Recipe 1 – Hungarian Chicken-Cauliflower Stew
[Ingredients – serves four people]
Chicken thighs, cut into bite-size pieces …… 600g (1.3lbs)
Garlic cloves …… 3
Paprika …… 3 tablespoons
Salt …… 2 teaspoons
Head cauliflower, broken into small florets …… 1/2
Onions, sliced …… 2
Mushrooms, sliced …… 1 pack
Kale leaves, torn into bite-size pieces (include if possible) …… 3-4
Olive oil …… 2 tablespoons
Water …… 500+ ml (2 1/4+ cups)
Black pepper【作り方】
① 鶏肉に、すりおろしたにんにくと塩、パプリカパウダーを揉み込み冷蔵庫で1〜2時間漬け込む。
② 厚手の鍋を火にかけ、温まったらオリーブオイルを加えて①の鶏肉を並べて強火で焼く。
③ 途中でひっくり返し、全体に焼き色が付いたら一度取り出す。
④ 同じ鍋に玉ねぎを加えてしんなりするまで炒め、③の鶏肉を戻す。カリフラワー、マッシュルームも加える。
⑤ 水を注ぎ、沸騰したら蓋をして具材が柔らかくなるまでに弱火で煮る。
⑥ だいたい柔らかくなったら蓋を外してケールを加え、味を見て好みで塩とパプリカパウダーを足して水分が少なくなるまでさらに煮る。
⑦ 皿に盛り、ヨーグルトを乗せブラックペッパーをふる。[Method]
① Rub the grated garlic, salt, and paprika on the chicken and marinate in the refrigerator for an hour or two.
② Heat a heavy pot until hot and add olive oil. Put the marinated chicken in the pot and cook it on high heat.
③ Turn the chicken over and cook the other side. When it’s fully browned, take it out.
④ Put the sliced onions in the same pot and cook until soft. Add the chicken back in and also add the cauliflowers and mushrooms.
⑤ Pour in water and bring it to boil. Put the lid on and let it simmer over low heat until everything is tender.
⑥ Take the lid off and add the kale leaves. Have a taste, and if needed, add extra salt and paprika to adjust the flavor. Leave to simmer some more until the water has reduced.
⑦ Serve on a plate or bowl with some yogurt and a dash of black pepper on top. -
「スキレットがない場合はもちろん普通のフライパンでも作れますよ。お好みでベーコンやほうれん草を加えたりしてもおいしいです」Kosuke builds a fire and controls the flame while leaving the cooking to Yuka, the pro chef. As I took a closer look at the fire, I noticed that there were high, medium, and low heat areas. The chicken stew is placed slightly away from the fire, so the residual heat can finish the cooking.
The skillet should be placed over high heat at first, but once the potatoes are crisp and brown, it needs to be moved to a low-medium heat area. You will need to build experience and learn the tricks to control the flames, but once you get the hang of it, you can cook anything and however you like them to be-crisp, tender, fluffy, what have you.
“If you don’t have a skillet, you can just use a regular pan. Adding some bacon or spinach to your liking is also a delicious option.”レシピ2 ― ハッシュドと平飼い卵のスキレット
【材料 2人分】
スキレット……6インチRecipe 2 – Skillet Hash Browns with Free-Range Eggs
[Ingredients – serves two people]
Potato, cut into thin strings …… 1 (large)
Starch …… 1 teaspoon
Brussels sprouts, cut into 4 equal pieces …… 4
Eggs …… 2
Ketchup, for serving
Oil …… 2 teaspoons
6-inch skillet【作り方】
① ボウルにじゃがいもと片栗粉、塩を入れてよく混ぜる。
② スキレットを火にかけ、よく温まったら油をしいて①を加える。スプーンなどで軽く押し付ける。
③ じゃがいもの上に芽キャベツを乗せて蓋をし、弱めの中火でこんがりとなるまで焼く。
④ 芽キャベツを一度どかしてひっくり返し、芽キャベツを戻して卵を割りいれる。
⑤ 再度蓋をして、卵に火が通るまで焼く。(卵が固まりにくい場合は少量の水を加えて蒸し焼きにすると良い)
⑥ 好みでケチャップをかけて食べる。[Method]
① Put the cut potatoes, starch, and salt into a bowl and mix well.
② Heat the skillet until hot and pour in the oil. Add the potatoes in the bowl and press it down into the skillet with a spoon.
③ Place the brussels sprouts on the flattened potatoes. Put the lid on the skillet and cook on low-medium heat until golden brown.
④ Take out the brussels sprouts temporarily and turn the potatoes over. Put the brussels sprouts back in and crack the eggs on top.
⑤ Put the lid on again and leave it until the eggs are cooked. (If it takes time, you can add a little water and steam the egg to help it cook faster)
⑥ Remove from heat. Serve with ketchup, if desired.
For campers, it is recommended you complete the first step at home in advance, because this way, the meat will be ready to cook when you get to camp. Not only that you can save time, but in summer, you can also freeze it and use it as an ice pack. It will be defrosted by the time you arrive at the site, so you can kill two birds with one stone.
The second dish is the “Skillet Hash Browns with Free-Range Eggs,” which uses everyone’s all-time favorite combination-potatoes and eggs.
Yuka quickly cuts the skin-on potatoes with her knife. Her excellent knife skills and the beautiful uniform strips of potatoes are just fascinating. The Opinel knife that she has been using for nearly 15 years was a present from her husband, Kosuke. “Even for the John Muir Trail hike, this was all I needed. When my husband caught a wild fish, I cleaned it with this knife.”
Mr. and Mrs. Yamato prepared these wonderful campfire foods in the yard of their home restaurant. In front of our eyes, there lies a stream, and we can hear soothing trickling sounds as it flows. When their friends come and visit here, they gather around a campfire and enjoy talking while having drinks with Yuka’s hand-made food.
They collect branches and logs of fallen trees from nearby woods to use them as firewood for a campfire. For Mr. and Mrs. Yamato,
who live at the foot of the Yatsugatake Mountains, a campfire is an extension of their daily lives. Nature is their playground as well as a valuable resource which provides them with much natural bounty.

ジャケット PERTEX wind jacket ¥33,000(税込)
ジャケット PERTEX wind jacket ¥33,000(税込)
山戸ユカ Yuka Yamato
2013年、夫の浩介さんととともに山梨県北杜市で食堂〈DILL eat,life.〉をオープン。地元の有機野菜や季節の食材を用いた心にも体にもやさしい料理にファンが多い。著書に『DILL EAT,LIFE. COOKING CLASS』(グラフィック社)、『保存食で体をととのえる 身近な素材でできる簡単レシピ』(家の光協会)など多数。
In 2013, she started a restaurant called “DILL eat,life.” with her husband Kosuke in the city of Hokuto in Yamanashi Prefecture. The restaurant has many fans since it uses local organic vegetables and seasonal ingredients to provide nutritious meals for a healthier body and mind. Her works include “DILL EAT,LIFE. COOKING CLASS”, published by Graphic-sha, and “Hozonshoku de karada wo totonoeru Mijika na shokuzai de dekiru kantan recipe (Toning your body with preserved foods – Simple recipes with easily accessible ingredients)”, published by Ie-No-Hikari Association.
text euphoria FACTORY
photography Satoko Imazu
translation Masumi Tokugawa