
My way and and wander vol.12JUN OSON (Illustrator, Artist)and wander journal #67





With a slight sense of discomfort in mind

TI started my career as an illustrator in 2005 and my works are centered around human characters. The uniquely-shaped face of the characters has not changed since then, but I feel that my style is continuously changing. The characters in my early works, for example, have no noses and eyes that are different from my recent works. They gradually became taller and more vibrant in color.

Skeletons, one of the iconic characters in my work, and animal-like motifs, such as horns and flappy ears, have in fact been around for quite some time. By looking at other people’s works, drawing inspiration from different experiences, and thinking through them, I can come up with new creative ideas like adding a dog to my piece of work.

When I draw, I am particularly focused on leaving a slight sense of discomfort. Let’s say I want to draw four people. In that case, there will be millions of situations and compositions that I could use, such as just simply drawing the characters side-by-side or making them hug each other. But despite having plenty of options, I would draw them facing the same direction. It makes the viewers think that the characters are “looking at something” and feel slightly uncomfortable.


友達に誘われて30代で登山を始め、以前は毎週のように山へ行っていました。and wanderとはその頃からのつきあいで、デイパックやレインウェアにハイキングパンツなどを今でも愛用しています。子どもが小さいので近年はキャンプをしたり、森の中のサブスク別荘へ家族で遊びに行ったりするくらいですが、アウトドアシーンでand wanderのアイテムを着ることが多いです。

歩くのも好きで、北鎌倉にある自宅からアトリエへは片道45分かけて歩いて来ています。そんなときもand wanderの服はちょうどいい。山登りに適した機能的なものを着ると、普通の一般的な服はやっぱり合わないなってことが結構あるんです。さすがに45分歩くと汗をかくので、コットン素材は乾くのが遅いな、ベンチレーション機能のない普通のロングパンツは暑いな、とか。



The pleasure of being in the mountains and controlling solitude

I was introduced to the world of hiking by my friend in my thirties. As a matter of fact, I used to go to the mountains almost every week. Since then, and wander has been my favorite brand and I still use many of their products such as daypacks, rainwear, and hiking pants. Now that I have young children, I would just go camping instead or use a subscription service for renting a vacation house in the woods to have fun with my family, but even so, I often wear and wander’s products for outdoor recreation.

Walking is also my thing. I walk 45 minutes each way to go to my atelier from my home in Kita-Kamakura. For people like me, and wander’s products are perfect. I tend to notice that casual outfits are not comfortable enough after I wear high-performance clothing designed for hiking and trekking. In my case, I figured that cotton-based clothing takes too much time to dry and regular long pants without ventilation are too hot for a sweaty, 45-minute walk.

Lately, I have been planning on going to the mountains for the first time in a while. The reason I go to the mountains is not because I want to enjoy being in nature, but rather to take some time to think and dig into my inner self. I like the feeling of being able to control my solitude when I am alone.

Winter mornings in the mountains, for example, can be cold, dark, and lonely, but not to the level that I need to fight my loneliness. I can simply hike down to the city at the foot of the mountain or even listen to music if I want to, and experience just the right level of solitude that I need. That’s what makes it so enjoyable.


JUN OSONさんとのコラボレーションによるTシャツやグッズの発売を記念して、8月9日(水)~8月28日(月)の期間、JUN OSONさんが描く架空の自然公園「Welcome to OSON’S NATIONAL PARK」展を開催します。
太古の昔から存在し、悩める人々が目指すといわれる大岩「ピラミダル・ロック」は、この自然公園の象徴です。そして、アウトドアを楽しみながらこの目的地に向かうのは、JUN OSON作品にもたびたび登場する犬やガイコツ、地球外生命体などの摩訶不思議なキャラクターたち。

OUTDOOR GALLERY が and wander MARUNOUCHI に移転後、初の開催となる本展示へぜひ遊びに来てください。

会期:8月9日(水)~8月28日(月) 11:00~20:00 ※最終日は18:00まで
場所:and wander MARUNOUCHI


To celebrate the release of newly designed shirts and goods in collaboration with JUN OSON, and wander’s gallery will present an exhibition featuring JUN OSON’s imaginary nature park, entitled “Welcome to OSON’S NATIONAL PARK,” from Wednesday, August 9 through Monday, August 28.
The “Pyramidal Rock,” a giant rock that is said to have existed since the dawn of time and is known as the journey’s end for the people who lost their way, is the park’s symbol. The unique characters that often appear in JUN OSON’s works, including the dog, skeleton, and extraterrestrial creature, will embark on a journey and enjoy camping along the way as they make their way to the rock.

Come and visit the first exhibition held at and wander OUTDOOR GALLERY since its relocation to and wander MARUNOUCHI!

Exhibition dates: Wednesday, August 9 – Monday, August 28, 2023, 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. (closes at 6 p.m. on the last day)
Place: and wander MARUNOUCHI
1F Shin-Tokyo Building, 3-3-1, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Illustrator, Artist

鎌倉在住のイラストレーター、アーティスト。ニヒルでポップな作風が特徴。NHK Eテレ「あはれ!名作くん」キャラクターデザインをはじめ、交通広告のポスターやアパレルとのコラボなど、多方面で活動。近年はイギリスやフランス、スペイン、ドバイ、香港、北京などでのショーやアートピースのリリースなど、活躍の場を世界に広げている。

An illustrator and artist based in Kamakura. His artworks are characterized by a nihilistic, pop style. JUN OSON works across various fields and mediums; he was the character designer for NHK E-Tele’s anime show “Aware! Meisaku-Kun,” designed posters for transit advertising, and collaborated with various fashion and apparel brands. He is continuously expanding his creative horizon, including shows and art piece releases in England, France, Spain, Dubai, Hong Kong, Beijing, and other parts of the world.

text Sayoka Hayashi
photography Moe Kurita
translation Masumi Tokugawa