雨の日のスカート&ゲイタースタイルand wander journal #12

and wanderの「シルスカート」と「e vent レインゲイター」の組み合わせってすっごく可愛いですよね!ちょっとナウシカっぽくないです?
You know what I think is super cute? The combination of and wander's "Sil Skirt" and "e vent rain gaiter"! It's sort of like Nausicaa from the Ghibli film, dont you think?

Yeah, I guess… but it's not just cute, you know. It's actually an excellent rain gear to have on hand.

I know that we do offer a wide array of rain wear and gear at and wander, but are there any particular items you would recommend? I'm interested in something that's perfect for both everyday use in the city and activities in the mountains.

In that case, how about our "fly rain long coat"? You can fold it into a compact size and it’s also very light. Only 12oz (335g) for an L size coat. I see that your bag is always packed for some reason.

Yeah, that’s why I also wanted you to teach me on how to efficiently pack my backpack, but today, I want to learn a little more about rain wear.

さっき話に出た「シルスカート」は便利だね。これに太ももまでカバーする「e vent レインゲイター」を組み合わせれば、山でも十分雨を防いでくれる。
Our "sil skirt", that you mentioned earlier, is actually a convenient rain wear. If you combine that with our "e vent rain gaiter", which goes up to your thighs, you can keep your legs from getting wet from the rain.

That’s the Nausicaa style!

Okay…whatever you call it, it's worth buying. Putting on and taking off pants in the mountain can be troublesome. Also, if it rains, you don't want to sit on the muddy ground to do that. In my case, I'm starting to get too old to stand on one foot long enough to take on and off my pants, and I'm sure I don’t want to slip and fall! It would be no joke if I slip down and have serious injury, or worse.

I do often hear you say that your back hurts recently. Aren’t you starting to forget things, too?

Yeah, it’s bad. Anyway, the combination of our skirt and gaiter is very easy to take on and off compared to regular rain pants.

I agree. If I'm going to use it on a regular rainy day in the city, skirts would be much useful. I wouldn't want to clumsily take off my wet rain paints in front of a store.

Plus, you can wear it more comfortably compared to pants because it doesn't get as steamy inside. What's good about combining these two items is that you can easily adjust to various weather conditions. You can wear just the skirt when it’s drizzling or just the gaiter when the grass is wet from the morning dew.

I see.

By the way, it’s been raining all day today.

"To be rained upon, caught in wind, or simply trekking the mountain is fun"!

You're quoting our brand message! Good for you! Then, why don't we go on your first hike next week?

Yes! We can go on a rainy day and try out the Nausicaa style!

Um, I'm sorry but I don't think anyone recognizes this fashion as a "Nausicaa style", Ukiko…
Isshi イッシー
当企画の先生役。登山歴は15年ほどで、新しいギアを買い求めては、フィールドテストと称して山へ向かう。ここ10年でギアの軽量化に成功した重量より、増えた体重のほうが断然重いことに気付いたand wander中堅スタッフ。
Plays the teacher role in this program. A 15-year experienced hiker who heads out to the mountains under the pretext of a “field test” every time he buys a new outdoor gear. A mid-career staff at and wander, who realized that he gained much more weight himself than the weight he succeeded to save over the past 10 years by lightening the gears.
Ukiko ウキコ
当企画の生徒役。登山に興味はあるんだけど、知識としてはまだこれからのand wander 1年生。英語が堪能でファッションにも精通しているが、アウトドアの専門用語を連発されると、脳の処理速度が追いつかなくなる傾向も。
Plays the student role in this program. Although she is interested in backpacking trips, she is a new recruit at and wander and still has a lot to learn. Fluent speaker of English and well-versed in fashion but tends to get panicked when she hears too many technical outdoor terms.
text Takashi Sakurai
illustration Mizumaru Kawahara
translation Masumi Tokugawa