
よくある質問にお答えしますand wander journal #33


Answering the Real Customer FAQs

kai kai

Today, we’re going to do something different for a change. Our theme for today is “customer’s frequently asked questions posed to our store staff.”

tateishi tateishi

I see. So, we’re going to answer some of the common questions from our customers here and now.

kai kai

That’s right. To begin with, let’s start with this question. “May I use this item for mountain hikes?” I assume that the customers who ask this question are not really a hiker and are planning to use whatever he or she is trying to buy for daily use. They’re making sure that it is also suitable for mountains just in case they want to start hiking later on. A substantial number of and wander customers may fit in this category.

tateishi tateishi

Basically, almost all of our items can be used for mountain activities since most of them are made with high-performance materials. However, there’s a precondition to that. It also applies to any other outdoor brands, but you need to make sure that you have the right layering system. Some of our staff here go on winter hikes with and wander’s outdoor clothing from top to bottom. If you choose the appropriate layering pieces based on where and when you’re going to hike, and wander’s clothes can be used without any problems. If I was asked that question, I would confirm which mountain they plan to go and in which season, so that I can make a recommendation based on that.

kai kai

Just like the other major outdoor clothing brands, and wander uses all different kinds of high-performance materials like merino wool, ALPHA DIRECT, and e vent, so your answer makes sense. Okay, let’s move on to the next letter from our listeners. “I am interested in overnight camping and hiking trips. What do I need to bring with me?”

tateishi tateishi

What do you mean, “letter from our listeners”?

kai kai

I was trying to be like a radio host! Doesn’t it sound cool? I’ve always wanted to use this phrase!

tateishi tateishi

Yeah, whatever… So, about camping in a tent. In addition to your regular day-hike gears, you would need to prepare a tent, a sleeping bag, and a good set of cookware. These are the most basic camping essentials.

kai kai

Here’s another letter from one of our listeners. “There are various types and choices available for each equipment, but do you have any recommendations on which to buy?”

tateishi tateishi

Letter from our listeners… oh, never mind. That’s a difficult question. Let’s take a sleeping pad for an example. There are mainly two types: air and closed-cell polyurethane foam pads. Air pads are well-cushioned and comfortable, but it can be punctured. It often makes a crinkly noise when you toss and turn in your sleep, so this may be bothering for some people. The closed-cell foam is not as comfortable and portable as the air pads, but it’s durable and cheap. My point is that the best camping equipment selection varies greatly from person to person, depending on their priorities. If you’re going to camp overnight for your first time, start with a cheaper set of equipment or borrow the essentials from your friend, and try spending a night in an entry-level mountain. You can clarify your priorities and needs through that experience and then decide what to buy.

kai kai

You have a point, but that’s not really answering the question, is it?

tateishi tateishi

Well, you can say that… but there’s no such thing as a perfect overnight hike packing list that applies to everyone, because physical strength and patience level varies among individuals. You need to make small mistakes every time you go on a hike in order to learn your lessons and gradually grow through your experience. I’ve made many mistakes myself.

kai kai

Oh, I found a letter with a perfect question! “What are some of the mistakes that you have made so far?”

tateishi tateishi

You just came up with that now, didn’t you…?

Isshi イッシー

Plays the teacher role in this program. A 15-year experienced hiker who heads out to the mountains under the pretext of a “field test” every time he buys a new outdoor gear. A mid-career staff at and wander, who realized that he gained much more weight himself than the weight he succeeded to save over the past 10 years by lightening the gears.

Ukiko ウキコ

Plays the student role in this program. Although she is interested in backpacking trips, she is a new recruit at and wander and still has a lot to learn. Fluent speaker of English and well-versed in fashion but tends to get panicked when she hears too many technical outdoor terms.

text Takashi Sakurai
illustration Mizumaru Kawahara
translation Masumi Tokugawa