シェフの山ごはん #2
紺野真and wander journal #34
都内のビストロ〈オルガン〉〈ウグイス〉の紺野真シェフに教わる山ごはんレシピ第2回。 朝晩の気温も低くなり、澄んだ山の空気が美味しい季節。穏やかで過ごしやすい秋は、アウトドア料理を楽しむにもベストなシーズン。今回はきのこやビーツなど旬の食材を使って、秋の味覚が感じられる焚き火料理3皿を紹介しよう。
Autumn brings cooler mornings and evenings, and a crisp clean mountain air that is the perfect seasoning for any outdoor meal, making it the ideal season to enjoy cooking outdoors. In the second of our series, a “Chef’s Guide to Mountain Cooking” by Chef Makoto Konno, we will be introducing three Autumn flavoured recipes, that can be cooked on your campfire and which use fresh seasonal produce such as mushrooms and chestnuts.

レシピ1 ― 黄色いビーツとチコリ、シェーブルチーズ、蕎麦の実のサラダ
Recipe 1 – Salad with yellow beets, chicory, chèvre and buckwheat groats
“Wrap the beets in foil and place them on an area of the fire with a gentle heat. Cooking them slowly in this way will bring out their natural sweetness. You could also put the beets in the embers left over from the fire at dinner, leave them there to cook overnight and enjoy this salad for breakfast the next day. Yellow beets have a more pronounced sweetness in comparison to red beets and so are ideal for this salad, but of course you can replace them with red beets if desired.”
【材料 2人分】
〜カレー風味のドレッシングの材料〜 ニンニク……2片
塩……2.8g[Ingredients – serves two people]
Yellow beets (can be replaced with regular red beets) …… 2
Chicory …… 1/2
Blueberries …… 1/3 pack
Chèvre (goat’s cheese) …… as desired basil to taste
Basil to taste
Buckwheat groats to taste
Curry dressing (or a dressing of your choice)
Extra virgin olive oil to taste
Lemon juice to taste~Ingredients for curry dressing~ Garlic …… 2 cloves
Olive oil to taste
Extra virgin olive oil …… 150g
Dijon mustard …… 50g
Red wine vinegar …… 50g
Citrus marmalade …… 40g
Curry powder …… 1.5g
Salt …… 2.8g【作り方】
① ビーツの皮をむき、サラダ油もしくはオリーヴオイルを塗り、アルミホイルで包み、焚き火の中に入れる。火力が強い場所に置くとビーツがすぐに焦げてしまうので、火力の弱い箇所に入れるようにする。時々アルミホイルを開いて、焦げていないか確認しながら、30分〜1時間ゆっくりと蒸し焼きにする。串やナイフがすっと簡単に刺さるようになれば完成。焦げついた箇所は焼き終わったあとにナイフで削ぎ落とす。
② ①のビーツと、チコリとシェーヴルチーズを食べやすい大きさに切り分ける。
③ ボウルに切り分けたビーツとチコリを入れ、軽く塩を振り下味をつけ、ドレッシングを加えさっと和える。
④ 器に③のビーツとアンディーヴを盛り、シェーヴルチーズとブルーベリーをのせ、バジルを散らし、蕎麦の実を振りかけ、仕上げにエキストラヴァージンオリーヴオイルを回しかけ、好みでレモンを絞って完成。〜カレードレッシングの作り方〜 ① フライパンにオリーヴオイルをしき、ニンニク2片を加え、弱火で焦がさないようにゆっくりとニンニクに火を入れる。すっと串が刺さるようになれば完成。
② ①のニンニクと、残りの材料を全てミキサーに入れて攪拌し、乳化すればカレー風味のドレッシングの完成。[Method]
① Peal the skin off the beats, drizzle with vegetable oil or olive oil, wrap them in foil and place them in the open fire. The beats will tend to burn quickly if the flame is too hot, so be sure to place them in a part of the fire with a gentle heat. Roast them slowly for 30 minutes to one hour, opening the foil occasionally to check that they aren’t burning. Test them with a knife or skewer to see if they are soft through to the center.
② Cut the roasted beats, chicory and chèvre so that they are easy to eat.
③ Put the beats and the chicory into a bowl, lightly season with salt before adding the dressing and mixing together.
④ Place the beats and chicory on your serving plate, and put the chèvre and blueberries on top. Garnish with the basil and sprinkle over the buckwheat groats. Drizzle on some olive oil and squeeze on some fresh lemon juice as desired and serve.~Curry dressing method~ ① Put some olive oil in a pan with 2 cloves of garlic and cook slowly over a low flame, being careful not to burn the garlic. Cook the garlic cloves until they are soft through to the center, testing with a skewer.
② Put the garlic in a blender along with the other ingredients and mix together until the dressing emulsifies. -
レシピ2 ― 栗とキノコの炊き込みご飯
Recipe 2 – Rice with chestnuts and mushrooms
“This dish brings together chestnuts and mushrooms, both autumn seasonal delicacies in Japan. Once you know how to make the stock, you can try alternative ingredients to make a range of variations on this rice dish. If you don’t add butter it can be a Japanese style dish, or with more butter, you can give it a more western taste.”
【材料 2人分】
〜味付け用の溶液〜 水……320〜330cc
生姜……3〜5スライス(11〜12g)千切りにしておく[Ingredients – serves two people]
Rice …… 2 cups or 300g
Your preferred mushrooms …… as desired
Chestnuts …… 8~10〜Stock〜 water …… 320〜330cc
Kombu for stock …… 1
Black vinegar …… 8g
Mirin (sweet cooking sake) …… 8g
Butter …… 8g
Salt …… 6.5g
Ginger …… 3~5 slices (11~12g) cut into fine strips【作り方】
① 米を研ぎ、水を切っておく。栗は皮を剥き、キノコは食べやすい大きさに切り分けておく。生姜は薄くスライスにしたあと、千切りにしておく。
② 水に昆布を加え、黒酢、みりん、バター、塩、生姜の千切りを加え、かき混ぜて材料を溶かす。
③ 研いだ米を炊飯容器に入れ、②の味付け汁、栗、キノコを加え、蓋をして強火にかける。沸騰したら弱火にして15分加熱し、15分経ったら火から下ろし、5分程蒸らして完成。[Method]
① Wash the rice and drain the water. Peal the skin off the chestnuts and roughly chop the mushrooms. Thinly slice the ginger and then cut into fine strips.
② Put the kombu in the water and add the black vinegar, mirin, butter, salt, sliced ginger and stir to dissolve the ingredients.
③ Put the washed rice into your rice pan, add the seasoned water along with the chestnuts and mushrooms. Cover with the lid and place on a high heat. Once it boils, put it onto a low heat and cook for 15 minutes before removing from the flame and letting it steam for a final 5 minutes. -
レシピ3 ― 真鯛とアサリ、パプリカのブレゼ
Recipe 3 – Braised red sea bream, Manila clams and paprika braisé
“In French cuisine, Braisé is a combination cooking method where you sear, steam and simmer your ingredients. For this dish you will cook the clams in white wine, and then use the clam stock that is release when they open to gently simmer the red sea bream and vegetables. This creates a dish that is just bursting with flavour from the seafood and the vegetables. This dish also looks great and is sure to liven up the meal. If you like you can also enjoy it with some freshly squeezed lime juice.”
【材料 2人分】
真鯛……350g程度 (下ろして骨を取り除いておく。切り身で代用も可)
アサリ……500g (塩抜きをしておく)
塩、コショウ……適量[Ingredients – serves two people]
Red sea bream (fillet and remove the bones. Our you can use pre-prepared fillets.)
Garlic …… 1 cloves
Dried chilies …… 2
Brown sugar …… 1 pinch
Manila clams (clean and soak in advance to remove grit)
White wine …… 100cc
Onion …… 1/2
Celery …… 1
Yellow paprika …… 3/4
Red paprika …… 3/4
Cherry tomatoes …… 1 pack
Extra virgin olive oil …… 150g
Coriander …… as desired
Lime to taste
Salt and pepper to taste【作り方】
① 真鯛は食べやすい大きさに切り分けて、塩をふっておく。ニンニク、玉ネギとセロリはスライスに、パプリカは細切りに、チェリートマトはヘタを取る。
② スキレットのような深めのフライパンもしくは鍋を熱し、熱くなったらオリーヴオイルをしき、真鯛の皮面だけを強火で焼く。強火で皮面をカリっと焼くのがポイント。真鯛の皮面が焼けたら、すぐに真鯛を取り出す。スキレットは火から一度外し、温度を下げる。
③ ②のスキレットにオリーヴオイルを少量加え、ニンニクのスライスと鷹の爪、黒糖を加え、弱火にかける。ニンニクから香りが立ってきたら、水を切ったアサリと白ワインを加え、蓋をして再度強火にかける。
④ 2分〜3分程度でアサリが開く。トングなどを使ってアサリだけを取り出しておく。スキレットの中にはアサリの出汁が残っている状態。
⑤ ④のスキレットに玉ネギとセロリのスライス、パプリカの細切り、チェリートマトを加えて、蓋をして中弱火にかける。
⑥ 5分〜10分程度加熱を続け、野菜が柔らかくなったら、塩、コショウで味を整える。
⑦ 皮面を焼いた真鯛とアサリをスキレットに戻し、蓋をして再度2〜3分ほど火を入れる。真鯛に完全に火が入れば完成。仕上げにパクチーを散らす。好みでライムを絞っていただく。[Method]
① Cut the sea bream into smaller pieces and season with salt. Slice the garlic, onion and celery. Cut the paprika into thin strips and remove the stalks from the cherry tomatoes.
② Heat a deep frying pan, such as a skillet, or a saucepan. Add olive oil to the hot pan and cook the skin side of the sea bream on a high heat. The trick is to sear the skin of the fish over a high heat so that it’s nice and crisp. Once the skin side of the fish is cooked and crisp, remove the fish from the pan. Take the skillet off the heat to let it cool down.
③ Put a small amount of olive oil in the skillet, add the sliced garlic, dried chilies and brown sugar, and put it on a low heat. Cook until the garlic is nice and fragrant and then add the drained clams and white wine, put the lid on and place back on a high heat.
④ The clams should open after 2~3 minutes. Use tongs to remove the clams from the pan, leaving the juices.
⑤ Add the sliced onion and celery, thinly chopped paprika and the cherry tomatoes to the skillet and place on a mid to low heat with the lid on.
⑥ Continue to cook for 5~10 minutes and season with salt and pepper once the vegetables have softened.
⑦ Return the seared sea bream and clams to the skillet and cook through for 2~3 minutes with the lid on. Once the fish is cooked through, garnish with some coriander and squeeze over some lime juice as desired and serve.
秋冬の山の空気はひんやりとしていて、肌寒くも感じる。炎のゆらぎと、包み込むような熱が一段と、身体と心に染みわたる。 今回紹介したレシピは、火加減の調節が調理の鍵を握る。薪をくべるタイミングをしっかりと見計らって、炎の大きさを意のままにすることができれば野外も立派な厨房になる。
How to adjust the heat on an open flame
Mountain air in the autumn and winter is cool, and can feel chilly at times. The swaying of the open fire’s
flames and the glow of the fire will warm both body and soul.
The key to successfully cooking these recipes is being able to adjust the size of the flame. Once you are able
to judge when to put more firewood on the fire, and able to control the size of the flame as you wish, the
great outdoors will become your perfect kitchen.
“It’s not like a cooker in your kitchen where you can turn the dial to adjust the heat, so it can be difficult at first. It’s hard to explain what you need to do in words, so practice is essential. As you get more used it, gradually you’ll get the knack of it. Don’t try to be perfect from the start and make use of tools that can help you, and make it easier.”
“It can be difficult no matter how many times you do it”, mutters Chef Konno as he expertly sears the fish over the hot flame, or tames the fire to a lower heat to gently simmer the dish. Adjusting the heat is like having a discussion with the fire. This relationship with the flame is also a part of connecting with nature.
紺野真 Makoto Konno
Chef Konno is from Tokyo and was born in 1969. He travelled to America as a student where he worked part time at restaurants. Upon his return to Japan, he continued to learn the trade working in cafes and bistros. He opened his first restaurant “Uguisu” in Sangenjaya in 2005 followed by “Organ” in Nishiogikubo in 2011.
text euphoria FACTORY
photography Natalie Cantacuzino
translation Yuko Caroline Omura