Materials for and wander | POLARTECand wander journal #35
目的や機能に応じてさまざまな生地をセレクトしているand wander。
Depending on the purpose and the function of the clothing, and wander adopts various types of fabric. The second article in this series will cast a spotlight on fabrics made by 〈POLARTEC〉, a brand known for its high-quality fleece wear. You will be able to understand the features of POLARTEC fabric as well as the details on the brand’s newest collection of this season, including its functionalities and its appeal.
「多彩なファブリック展開のおかげで、ウェアにもたせたい機能性によって適切なものを選べるのが〈POLARTEC〉の魅力。洗濯を繰り返してもへたれや毛玉の発生が少ないのも特徴です。できるだけ長くアイテムを愛用してもらえれば間接的に自然へのインパクトを減らすことができます。そういう点でもand wanderの目指すウェアづくりにフィットしたファブリックだと思います」とデザイナーの池内啓太と森美穂子。
POLARTEC may be best-known for its fleece, but the company has a wide range of textile products from base layer and outer layer fabrics to insulation and other performance fabrics. In fact, POLARTEC offers more than 500 types of materials that are lightweight, breathable, and heat-retaining. They are highly evaluated for its performance and is adopted by the U.S. military let alone various outdoor clothing brands in the world.
“POLARTEC’s broad variety of products allows us to select the optimum fabric with the right functionality for what we want to make. Also, even if the user washed the garment multiple times, it does not easily form pills nor wear out. By utilizing this durable fabric, and wander items can be used for many years by our consumers and consequently, we can indirectly help reduce environmental impact. In that sense, we believe that POLARTEC’s fabrics are well-suited and aligned with and wander’s vision of clothing design,” said Keita Ikeuchi and Mihoko Mori, the designers of and wander.
In 1993, 〈POLARTEC〉 developed the world’s first-ever recycled fleece fabric made from recycled plastic bottles, leading the world to address environmental and energy issues. Almost half of their products are made from recycled yarn, and they have repurposed nearly 1.5 billion plastic bottles into fabric. It is also worth noting that POLARTEC products are “bluesign®” and “OEKO-TEX®” approved, which means that it is manufactured under the stringent global environmental standards.
“When you spend time in nature and enjoy outdoor activities, you start to pay more attention to the environment you put yourself in. Similarly, as for product design, if we have several options of materials with the same level of performance, we will select more environmentally friendly, durable fabric to minimize waste. I’d say it was natural for and wander to choose POLARTEC fabric which combines the two important aspects for us: functionality and environmental friendliness,” Mihoko Mori said. This season, and wander will release its newest collection featuring various 〈POLARTEC〉 fabrics.

top fleece jacket×POLARTEC 200
〈POLARTEC〉を代表するフリース生地「POLARTEC 200」を腰回りや袖下、脇下に使い、前みごろや肩、外袖に撥水生地で包んだ中綿「PRIMALOFT Silver Insulation」を配したtop fleece jacketは、アウターとしてもミドルレイヤーとしても使える汎用性の高いジャケット。
「風や軽い雨から守り、暖めたい部分には撥水生地で包んだ中綿を、脇の下や背中など適度に熱を放出したい部分にはフリース生地を使ったハイブリッドなジャケットです。高い保温性がありながら通気性に優れ、かさばらない『POLARTEC 200』を採用したことで、着用時の快適さに加え、すっきりしたシルエットを実現できました。視覚的にも特徴的な霜降りトップ調の素材を選んでいます」(池内)。
top fleece jacket×POLARTEC 200
Using “POLARTEC 200” fleece fabric, a representative product of POLARTEC, on the armpit area, under sleeves, and around the waist, and “PRIMALOFT Silver Insulation” on the chest, shoulders, and outer sleeves, and wander’s top fleece jacket can be used as a versatile outer wear or as a middle layer.
“This jacket will not only protect you from wind and light rain, but its hybrid construction will keep you pleasant; the combination of insulation and water repellent fabric will retain heat to provide warmth and the fleece fabric is used where heat needs to be released. We were able to ensure comfort and streamlined silhouette by using ‘POLARTEC 200’ which provides outstanding warmth and breathability with minimal bulk. To give it a unique look, we have selected a top dyed mélange-toned material.” (Keita Ikeuchi)

ジャケット(オフホワイト) alpha AIR hoodie ¥ 49,500(税込)
alpha AIR hoodie×POLARTEC alpha
「POLARTEC alpha」は毛足を短く揃えた極薄のフリース繊維。保温性と通気性に加え蒸れを逃す機能を備えた中綿素材で、ほどよい温かさと蒸れにくい快適感が持続するアクティブインサーレションだ。alpha AIR hoodieは中綿を挟む表地と裏地に通気性の高い撥水生地を採用することで、保温性を確保しながら、体を動かすことで発生する汗や熱をスムーズに放出。秋冬のフィールドで活躍する“行動できる保温着”だ。
「top fleece jacketよりアクティブなシーンで使えるアイテムを作りたくて『POLARTEC alpha』を採用しました。蒸れを逃す中綿の機能、撥水性がありつつも通気性も兼ね備えた表裏生地のおかげで行動中に長時間着用してもヒートアップしすぎません」(森)。
alpha AIR hoodie×POLARTEC alpha
“POLARTEC alpha” is an extremely thin, short pile fleece material. This breathable batting is designed to keep heat in while wicking sweat and ensures consistent warmth and comfort with active insulation technology. We have combined this batting with a highly breathable, water repellent material for alpha AIR hoodie, so that it releases heat and moisture while the user is on the move and provide optimal thermal comfort. This insulation is a perfect choice for the fall and winter seasons to keep yourself warm during outdoor activities.
“We decided to use POLARTEC alpha to make a jacket that is more suited for dynamic activities than our top fleece jacket. The combination of moisture wicking batting with breathable, waterproof outer and inner fabric prevents the users from getting too hot even if they moved around for a long time.” (Mihoko Mori)

プルオーバー(ブルー) high loft fleece pullover ¥ 33,000(税込)
グローブ(オフホワイト)high loft fleece glove ¥ 14,300(税込)
キャップ(ブルー)high loft fleece ear cap ¥ 14,300(税込)
high loft fleece jacket×POLARTEC high loft
「POLARTEC high loft」は抜群の保温性と、毛足が長くふわふわとした極上の肌触りが魅力のファブリック。ハイロフトで低密度のニット構造で大きな空気層を作ることで保温性と通気性、さらに軽量化も実現。“暖かくて蒸れず、着心地がいいのにコンパクト”という、いいことづくしの素材だ。and wanderではフリースジャケットに加え、小物類にも多く「POLARTEC high loft」を採用している。
「以前は国内流通のフリース素材を使っていましたが、長く使うと毛玉になりやすく、だんだんと生地がくたびれてくる。できるだけ長く愛用してもらえるアイテムを作りたいという想いから『POLARTEC high loft』を採用しました。衿は風を抜きにくいように、袖口と腰はバックパックの干渉などによる擦れからフリースを守るため、それぞれ部分的にポリエステル生地を当てていることも他社にはあまりない特徴だと思います」(池内)。
high loft fleece jacket×POLARTEC high loft
“POLARTEC high loft” is a high-pile fleece fabric with a luxurious soft texture which provides the ultimate warmth to the users. The high loft fibers in a low density knit create large air pockets to retain heat and ensure breathability while being lightweight. POLARTEC high loft is engineered to deliver warm, dry, comfortable wearing experience without bulk, and it is used in multiple and wander items including fleece jackets as well as accessories.
“We once used domestic fleece for our products, but the longer it is used, the more pilling it formed and the more it became worn out. Since we wanted to make products that can be used for a longer period of time, we decided to use ‘POLARTEC high loft’ fleece. What is interesting about our high loft fleece jacket is that it uses polyester material behind the collar for wind protection as well as the sleeves and waist to protect the fleece from abrasion. In fact, this feature also makes the design of the jacket very unique.” (Keita Ikeuchi)
1906年、ボストン郊外の小さな紡績会社からはじまったポーラテック社(モールデン・ミルズ社)。1980年代になると、保温性が高く、軽量で、通気性に優れたポリエステル・フリースを開発。その機能性の高さと着心地の良さから世界中のアウトドアメーカーで採用されるように。1993年にはリサイクルポリエステルによるフリースを、2010年にはUnifi社の協力のもと100%リサイクルされたポリエステル、Repreve® を開発。 ファブリックメーカーとして持続可能な地球環境と高い品質の両立を掲げ、進化を続けている。
The History of POLARTEC
In 1906, Polartec, formerly known as Malden Mills, started as a small textile company in suburban Boston. In the 1980’s, the company succeeded to develop the first polyester fleece fabric that is light in weight and has high breathability combined with heat-retention. Since then, Polartec’s fleece fabric has been evaluated for its performance and is used by many outdoor clothing brands around the globe. The company then developed a fleece fabric made of recycled plastics in 1993, and Repreve®, a fabric made from 100% recycled polyester, in collaboration with Unifi, Inc. in 2010. Polartec aims to deliver high-quality products while contributing to global sustainability and continues to evolve as a textile manufacturer.

text Yuriko Kobayashi
photography Naoki Sato
translation Masumi Tokugawa