イッシーが選ぶ、2021SSベスト3アイテムand wander journal #20

今回はいつもとはちょっと趣向を変えて、かつてギアを買いすぎて、押し入れ崩壊を起こしたことがあるという、and wanderイチのギア・オタクのイッシーさんに、この21SSのベスト3を紹介してもらいたいと思います。
This time, our topic is going to be a bit different from the past sessions. I’ve heard that you once literally had your closet explode from having too many outdoor clothes and gears. So, our topic for today will be the top 3 items of the and wander’s 21SS collection, selected by our #1 Mr. Outdoor Freak, Isshi!

That’s right, I have been wearing outdoor clothes for more than 20 years now. I’m pretty sure that I have an eye for it.

Alright then, let’s start from #3!

「breath rip hoodie」。このナイロンジャケットって、本当に万能選手。特別な強みはないんだけど、それが逆に強み。山登りはもちろん、自転車、キャンプ、犬の散歩まで、なんでもこれ1着でいけちゃう。ひさびさにボロボロになるまで着たくなるジャケットに出会った感じだね。
“breath rip hoodie”.It’s made of nylon, and it is an all-time, versatile jacket. There is no particular strength that stands out, but that is actually the reason why it can become an all-arounder. Not only can it be used for mountain activities, but it can also be used for cycling, camping, and even for a quick walk with your dog. Since it has such an outstanding versatility, you can practically do anything at anywhere with this one single jacket. It’s very difficult to find a jacket that you can wear for a long time, you know, until it gets all old and shabby, so I was very excited when I actually met this item.

It’s durable, lightweight and water resistant, so it’ll definitely be a great jacket to have as a long-time buddy if you can find your perfect size. Moving on to #2!

「fly rain long coat」。いま愛用しているやつで三代目。何度も買い替えて使用しているのは理由があって、街での使用にとっても適しているからなんだけど、たとえば雨の日は傘さしてても太もも濡れるときあるけど、これは着丈が長いから濡れないししリュック背負った上から着用できるので、傘をささなくてもリュックが濡れないし、冷たい空気の日はセーターの上に羽織るだけでセーターの温かさを逃がさずキープしてくれるし、ジップが両サイド空くのでパンツのポケットに手を入れやすいし、さらに蒸れにくいし、それからそれからぁ!
“fly rain long coat”.The one that I have right now is actually my third one and there’s a good reason I keep rebuying this same coat. It’s because this coat is well-suited for daily use in town, for example, when it’s raining, your thighs get wet sometimes even with an umbrella, but this coat has the perfect length to prevent that, and you can wear this coat while carrying your backpack, so you can also protect your stuff from getting wet without an umbrella, and even on cold days, you can wear this rain coat on top of your sweater to keep the warmth but without trapping moisture inside, plus, the zippers on the left and right allows you to easily access both of your pockets, and, and…!

You need to take a breath!

*pant pant…* Speaking of which, what are your recommended items, Ukiko?

よくぞ聞いてくれました。それでは発表させていただきます! 第三位は「e vent jacket」。私にとって初めてのハードシェルだったんですが、これの中にメリノのベースレイヤーとフリースを着ると、寒い日でも風を通さずぬっくぬくです。第二位は「Dyneema stuffsack」。防水でエコバッグとして使えるので、お買い物の時は常に持ち歩いてます。そして第一位は「vent pants」。サラサラの履き心地で、その太さも気に入っています。私はあえてメンズを選んでオーバーサイズで履いてますね。
I was waiting for you to ask that question! Let me announce my favorite top 3 items. For #3, I choose the “e vent jacket”. I have never tried hardshell jackets, but the combination of merino wool base layer, fleece, and this jacket is perfect. It keeps me warm and comfortable even on cold, windy days. My #2 would be “Dyneema stuffsack”. It’s waterproof and plus, I can use it as a reusable bag, so whenever I go out for shopping, I take this bag with me. Finally, my #1 item is the “vent pants”. It’s smooth, comfortable to wear, and I also like how it’s wide and relaxing. I actually bought the men’s Vent pants and wear them oversized.

I see. All of your selected items are more for daily use than for outdoor activities, isn’t it?

Yeah, I haven’t got the chance to go to the mountains yet... Okay, now that you’re all nice and calm, let’s move on to the announcement of your #1 recommendation!

「W weave windy pants」。ショートパンツで山行く派のぼく的には最高のウィンドパンツがこれ。ぼくは、まだまだ肌寒い春から、夕方冷え込む深い秋まで、かなり幅広い期間、ショートパンツでハイキングするから、時と場合によっては下半身もレイヤリングするんだよね。だから、国内外のガレージブランドから大手アウトドアブランドまでたくさんのウィンドパンツを集めてはテストしているんだけど、遂にアンドワンダーのこちらがファイナルアンサー。まず軽さ。100g強はスーパー軽い。ショートパンツで歩くことがメインなのでウィンドパンツは携帯性が重要になってくるんだけど、この軽さなら持っていくことに負担なし。パッカブルサイズもショートパンツのポケットに入る程に小さくなるしね。軽さや小ささだけ追求すればこれより軽いものはあるんだけど、ポケットが付いてなかったり、素材が薄すぎて不安だったり、ペタペタと肌について不快だったりする場合が多い。でも、このウィンドパンツは、過去のイッシーテストで経験した懸念点を全てクリア!! 地味なんだけど秀逸なのが、ポケット。この類のウィンドパンツには付いているだけでもかなり便利なんだけど、そのポケットも少し入り口が後ろ目についているのでジッパーを付けなくてもモノが落ちにくくなってるんだよね。股上が少し深めなのもショートパンツの上から履くウィンドパンツとして優秀だし、そもそもパンツとしての履き心地が最高。買わない理由がない。絶対一本もっておくべき。ウィンドパンツを探す長かった旅はこれにて終了。もう出ないよ、こんな気の利いた丁度良いウィンドパンツ。ひとつ言い忘れ。素材はEQUILIBRIUMを使用。PERTEX社のナイロン素材のなかで最も透湿性の高いウィンドブレイク素材のひとつです。蒸れにくくてサラサラ。最高でしょ?
My #1 goes to “w weave windy pants”. I prefer shorts for mountain activities and these wind pants are the perfect match. I hike with shorts for most of the year, from chilly spring season to fall season that gets quite cold in the evening, so depending on the conditions, I layer pants too. That’s why I tried out many wind pants, from small personal brands to major outdoor brands, but and wander’s “w weave windy pants” were the best choice for me. First of all, it’s super light. It only weighs 130g. Since I mainly walk with shorts, it’s important that the wind pants are light, compact, and portable, and this lightweight wind pants are no burden at all. If I make it into a packable size, I can even put it inside my pocket. There are other lighter, more portable wind pants, but sometimes, it doesn’t have any pockets, sometimes, the material is too thin for durability, and in other cases, the material sticks to my skin and gets uncomfortable. But this “w weave windy pants” cleared all these concerns that I have experienced in the past! Also, it’s a small thing, but the pockets are well-thought-out. Many portable wind pants don’t even have pockets, but this pair of pants not only have pockets, but these zipper-less pockets are located a bit towards the back to prevent things from falling out. The high-rise style is also suitable for wearing on top of shorts and most of all, it is very comfortable. You have no reason not to buy these pants. “w weave windy pants” are a must-buy. After a long journey, I have finally found the perfect one. I don’t think I’ll ever find such an ideal pair of wind pants. Oh, one more thing. It uses PERTEX Equilibrium, which is one of the most highly breathable, wind resistant nylon fabric of Pertex. It prevents stuffiness and keeps you dry, smooth and comfortable. Isn’t it wonderful?

You talk too much and you are way too picky!

My wife says that to me all the time…
Isshi イッシー
当企画の先生役。登山歴は15年ほどで、新しいギアを買い求めては、フィールドテストと称して山へ向かう。ここ10年でギアの軽量化に成功した重量より、増えた体重のほうが断然重いことに気付いたand wander中堅スタッフ。
Plays the teacher role in this program. A 15-year experienced hiker who heads out to the mountains under the pretext of a “field test” every time he buys a new outdoor gear. A mid-career staff at and wander, who realized that he gained much more weight himself than the weight he succeeded to save over the past 10 years by lightening the gears.
Ukiko ウキコ
当企画の生徒役。登山に興味はあるんだけど、知識としてはまだこれからのand wander 1年生。英語が堪能でファッションにも精通しているが、アウトドアの専門用語を連発されると、脳の処理速度が追いつかなくなる傾向も。
Plays the student role in this program. Although she is interested in backpacking trips, she is a new recruit at and wander and still has a lot to learn. Fluent speaker of English and well-versed in fashion but tends to get panicked when she hears too many technical outdoor terms.
text Takashi Sakurai
illustration Mizumaru Kawahara
translation Masumi Tokugawa