About collaboration with SALOMON
JP interviewand wander journal #23
フランス発のアウトドアブランド、SALOMON はスキー製品からスタートした老舗のアウトドアメーカー。and wanderは2021年春夏コレクションで、SALOMONとの第4回目となるコラボシューズを発表する。初回からこの取り組みを担当するキーパーソン、Jean Philippe Lalonde(以下:JP)に話を聞いた。
SALOMON is a well-established French outdoor sports equipment manufacturer, which originally started as a small ski edges’ workshop. Working together with SALOMON, and wander will release its fourth collaboration shoes for the 2021SS collection. This interview will feature Jean Philippe Lalonde (hereinafter, he is called "JP"), the key person who has been in charge of this project from the first collaboration.
Interview with JP:
the Keyperson of SALOMON × and wander Collaboration
「SALOMONは1947年にフランスのアヌシーで創業したアウトドアメーカーです。スキーのビンディングとブーツで有名になり、2001年からはアパレル部門もスタートして、今はスキー、スノーボートに限らず、機能性に優れたアウトドア製品を数多くリリースしています。私はSALOMON Advancedという部門を一人で担当しています。本ラインに比べ、SALOMON Advancedはファッション性を重視しているライン。他のブランドとのコラボレーションシューズもいろいろと手がけてきました。コロナ禍の今は、これまでのようにフランス以外の国を旅できずにいますが、自宅のあるパリから本社のあるアヌシーまでの移動がリフレッシュになっているかも。アヌシーはスキーリゾート地として有名で、自然豊かな場所なんですよ」
―Could you first tell us about the brand and your role at SALOMON?
“SALOMON is an outdoor equipment manufacturer founded in Annecy, France back in 1947. Initially, the brand became well-known for its ski bindings and ski boots. After establishing the SALOMON SOFTGOODS in 2001, SALOMON has been offering variety of highly functional outdoor clothing, equipment, and accessories for various outdoor sports and activities, extending its business beyond ski and snowboard gears. At SALOMON, I am in charge of the SALOMON Advanced series and I am working on this series all on my own. Compared to our regular series, the Advanced series put more emphasis on fashionableness and have released a number of collaboration shoes with other fashion brands. It is difficult to travel out of France due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, so the commute from my home in Paris to SALOMON’s headquarter in Annecy is actually a refreshing time for me. In fact, Annecy is a city famous for its ski resorts and the beautiful nature of the Alps.

―and wanderとの出合いについて覚えていますか?
「とても鮮明に(笑)。2017年1月にパリの合同展示会を訪れたんです。いろんなブランドがところ狭しと出店していたなかで、and wanderのラックが見えた瞬間のことを今でも覚えています。目に入ってきたガーメントがとても洗練されていて、美しく、一緒に行った友達の会話を遮って『あのブランドを見て!』と言いました。それで、すぐにデザイナーの(池内)啓太、(森)美穂子と話をさせてもらったんです」
―Do you remember how you met the brand ‘and wander’?
“Yes, very clearly! In January 2017, I went to a joint exhibition in Paris. I still remember the time when and wander’s clothing rack immediately caught my eye while I was walking through the exhibition space packed with many different fashion brands. I was impressed with the quality of and wander’s garments. They were eye-catching, sophisticated, and beautiful. I instantly turned to my friends, interrupted their conversation, and said, ‘you have to look at that brand!’ That was the day I first met and talked with Keita Ikeuchi and Mihoko Mori, the designers of and wander.”

―JPから見てand wanderとはどんなブランドでしょうか。
―What’s your view on the brand ‘and wander’?
“They do a fantastic job in every process of their work. Their whole designing process, including the brand’s lookbook is delicate and beautiful, let alone the garments, textiles, and the details. What makes and wander’s items so attractive is the brand’s craftsmanship combined with the perfect balance of its functionality and fashionableness. I personally like the brand’s unique cutting design. It may be an odd way to put it, but and wander’s outdoor clothing have a sense of warmth, as if they were handmade by the designers. It’s not easy to find items like that nowadays. It is no wonder that their items are naturally incorporated into our daily fashion.”

―What do you think about the relationship between outdoor activities/sports and fashion?
“That is exactly the kind of topic I have been thinking about every day to find my answer, but still... it’s a difficult question! In my opinion, outdoor activities and fashion are two completely different worlds, but now, the line between the two are getting more and more blurred. I have absolutely no idea how this trend will develop in the future, but my role, as a member of SALOMON, is to keep providing functional materials to the world of fashion.”

―今回で4度目となるand wanderとのコラボレーションについて、詳しく教えてください。
「まずand wanderにかかわらず、ファッションブランドとの取り組みで私が大切にしていることをお話しします。それは、実際の作業に入る前にコラボ相手の人たちと、仕事抜きでたくさんコミュニケーションをとること。啓太と美穂子ともレストランで食事をしたり、いろんなところへ出かけて行って、お互いをよく知ることから始めました。
SALOMON × and wanderのシューズは、初めて2019年秋冬シーズンに発表した1回目のコラボからずっと、シンプルかつ機能的であることがテーマ。
山でも日常でも快適に履くためのデザインとしてシルエットも重視すること、SALOMONの伝統的な機能をand wanderのファッション性に融合させることも考え続けていますね。
―Could you tell us in detail about the fourth collaboration with ‘and wander’?
“First of all, I would like to share what I think is important when it comes to collaborating with other fashion brands including ‘and wander’. That is, to have a good, private communication with the collaborating team before we all put our hands on deck. So, as a matter of course, that was what I did with Keita and Mihoko, too. We went out to eat several times and visited different places together to get to know each other. I enjoyed the time with them very much. Some people may say that it’s not worth the time, but I believe that nothing can be more important than understanding and getting along with who you work with. The first SALOMON × and wander Collaboration wander collaboration shoes were released in the 2019AW collection and the concept of our collaboration, ‘simple and functional’, has not changed since then. Since our collaboration shoes are designed to be used both in the mountains and in town for daily use, I put a lot of effort on designing the form of the shoes as well as combining SALOMON’s classic functional materials with and wander’s fashionableness. Basically, the more we collaborate, the better the functionality will be. In the past collaborations, we have tried using reflectors and polyurethane shock-absorbing materials. This time, for our fourth collaboration, SALOMON and and wander will release two types of collaboration shoes for the 2021SS season: a seamlessly designed, comfortable-fitting hiking shoes with a closed-mesh upper that will block out dirt and debris, and a pair of sandals which inherits the performance of SALOMON’s trail running shoes. I understand that it is my job to provide functionality and technical details to these products. That is why I will continue to challenge to bring creative and exciting ideas to life. So, please look forward to our further collaboration. For now, I will keep the details under wraps, but I promise, I won’t let you down!”

Text Kaori Watanabe
Photography(image) Naoya Matsumoto