My way and and wander vol.8AI YOSHIDA (Architect / Founder,CEO)and wander journal #24
Constantly Challenging Assumptions and Looking into the Essence of Things
I am always conscious of perceiving the true nature of things. I’ve been working in the field of architecture for 20 years now, and I deal with many restrictions every day, including different site conditions and budgets. Giving up on what I want to make, is the last thing I want to do. That is why I do my best to constantly think of how I can create new values within all these restrictions.
As a part of my whole thinking process, I try to challenge my assumptions. In our world today, everything is based on rules and assumptions, but they might have been completely different 100 years ago. I believe that if I can think in this way, I can see the true essence and find new values of things.
For example, when you design a kindergarten facility, you tend to prioritize what’s good and friendly for the nursery staff - the adults. But I would take some time to stop and think, “Hey, wait a second.” If you come to think of it, the main users of the facility are the kids. Which means, the kids are my “real” clients. Based on that finding, I would think from the children’s point of view and design a place where they can run around freely. Then, they can easily sleep at home and their parents will also be happy. Basically, you start to find new values that make your ideas even better.
At other times, my clients would make requests, say, to make their ceiling 3 meters high. In that case, I would think, “Why would they want that?” If you think deeply about the reasons behind their request, the answer may change from a 3-meter-ceiling to something else. If what they really want is “creating a sense of openness”, then, I can also solve that issue by using a reflective material for the ceiling. By looking into the essence of things, it allows me to come up with myriads of solutions.
I believe this would ultimately lead to a diversified society, and that new values are hidden within the heaps of solutions.

Clothes that Make You Proactive
Even if there is a place where no one pauses, if you make a narrow countertop, people will stop to drink a cup of coffee. Something that attracts people, just by being there. I really like things that create such proactiveness, and I feel that and wander’s items have that same kind of aspect. If you wear and wander’s clothes, you’d feel like going outside and hop on your bike. This is all because it’s comfortable and easy to move. It has a proactive design which makes the users to feel active. I think it’s also wonderful that it has superb functionalities for outdoor activity use, but not too outdoor-oriented, and at the same time, it can naturally be worn in the city. In fact, I was not so interested in hiking myself. However, I came to know deeper about this brand after wearing some of their items as my daily wear and started to get interested in mountain activities as well. I grabbed my clothes and actually headed up to the mountains. It’s something that allows you to open up your possibilities and broaden your view. That’s how I would describe and wander’s clothes.
Architect / Founder,CEO
1974年、広島県生まれ。KIKUCHIDESIGNを経て、2014年に建築家の谷尻誠と共にSUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE Co., Ltd.を設立。飲食部門のプロデュース兼経営、ゲストハウス鎌倉はなれのディレクション等も務め、建築を軸に分野を横断しながら活動している。
Born in Hiroshima in 1974. After working for KIKUCHIDESIGN, in 2014, she became the co-founder of SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE Co., Ltd. with a Japanese architect Makoto Tanijiri. From the producer and the manager of the Food and Beverage sector projects to the director of the guest house Kamakura Hanare, her range of work extends to various business fields, centering around architecture.
text Takashi Sakurai
photography Koichi Tanoue
translation Masumi Tokugawa