District Vision × and wander
collaboration interviewand wander journal #40
2022SS、and wanderはさまざまなパフォーマンスを向上させるためのアイウェアレーベル〈District Vision〉とコラボレーション。そこに至るまでの制作秘話を、現在カリフォルニアに暮らすディレクターのお二人に訊いた。
For Spring/Summer 2022, and wander will launch a collaboration with “District Vision”, an eyewear label creating various performance-enhancing products. This interview article with the Director duo of District Vision, who both live in California, will take you into the behind-the-scenes story of this collaboration.
2015年に、Tom Daly氏とMax Vallot氏の二人によってNYでスタートしたアイウェアレーベル〈District Vision〉。and wanderデザイナーの池内いわく「機能性、ファッション性がうまいバランスで、独特な良い雰囲気をもつブランド。ビジュアルのグラフィック表現も上手で、ドローイングもキャッチー。唯一無二の新鮮な世界観があり、and wanderとのシンパシーを感じました」。
その圧倒的な機能性とファッション性、そして彼らのフィロソフィに魅了された池内のアプローチにより、今回コラボレーションが実現した。アイウェアのほかに、バッグ、ウインドジャケット、Tシャツなど全6型が完成。コレクション全体を通して、District Visionのキーカラーの配色や、クリエイティブなアートワーク、ロゴ使いが印象的だ。特にアイウェアは、マルチスポーツタイプのモデル「Nako」をベースに、右目が曇るとand wander、左目が曇るとDVのロゴが浮かび上がるスペシャルな仕組み。両者のもつ専門的な技術に遊び心も忘れない、ハイブリッドなコラボだ。
A New York based eyewear label “District Vision” was founded by Tom Daly and Max Vallot in 2015. “District Vision is a very distinctive brand that blends functionality and style in a fine balance. Their graphic design with rich visual expressions and their eye-catching fashion drawings are remarkable. The brand has a unique, one and only worldview, which I felt sympathy with that of and wander’s,” explains Ikeuchi, the designer of and wander.
Fascinated by the excellent combination of function and style of District Vision’s products as well as the brand’s philosophy, Ikeuchi made an approach to DV and finally managed to arrange the collaboration. The two brands worked together to create six collaborative items including the drawstring bag, wind jacket, and T-shirt as well as eyewear. DV’s key colors are used throughout the collection, along with the brand’s creative artwork and its eye-catching logo. In particular, DV’s “Nako” multisport model based collaborative eyewear features special lens graphics that appear when the glasses get fogged — the and wander logo on the right lens and the DV logo on the left. The two brands combined their unique technologies with their playful spirits and achieved a perfect hybrid of function and fashion in this collaboration.

キャップ District Vision × and wander mesh cap ¥ 14,300(税込)
サングラス District Vision × and wander sunglasses ¥ 33,000(税込)
―まず、ファッション業界に携わってきたお二人が、District Visionで、アスリートのためのアイウェアに着目した理由を教えてください。
―日本のアウトドアブランドのイメージがあれば教えてください。また、そのなかでand wanderの魅力をどのように感じていますか?
TOM「日本のブランドは非常に優れていると思います。例えばランニングやハイキング、その他のアウトドアとそのウェアに対して、とても熱心に細部まで気を配り取り組んでいること。マインドセット、メンタル、プロダクション、デザインが常に共存している印象です。それは僕たちにとって非常に嬉しい発見でした。なぜならアイウェアでも同じようにできるということがわかったからです。and wanderのプロダクトは、なんというかすごく、きちんとしています。ジャケットひとつとってみても、生地、構造、仕上げなど、すべてが計算し尽くされていて、クラシックなディテールを彷彿とさせます。」
TOM「多くの人がアウトドアプロダクトを別の目的として使うようになってきています。これまでと違うジャンルの人々や、異なるサブカルチャーでアウトドアウェアが受け入れられているのを見るのは非常に嬉しいことです。この流れがand wanderやDistrict Visionのようなブランドやプロジェクトをネクストレベルに押し上げてくれると思っています。」
―First of all, could you tell us about the reason why you started District Vision after being involved in the fashion industry, and why you decided to focus on athletic eyewear?
Max: I wanted to pursue a different life path to what I had been following. At that time, I was on a journey of self-discovery, trying to figure out a way to know where I should head to and what is truly important for me through meditation. Then, I figured that starting my own company, project, and brand can open the door to a new life path. Since we both built our career in the fashion industry, we had some know-how on designing and creating marketable products. We chose to focus on eyewear because Tom and I used to wear sunglasses daily because of our handicap. We were half blind, but it’s already cured by laser treatment. One day, when I visited one of the world-leading manufacturers of sports sunglasses in Japan, I felt that we could create something new and deliver exciting activities with a unique philosophy, starting from there. That experience made me confident that I can truly continue to pursue this business.
―Do you have a particular image toward Japanese outdoor brands? What are some of the appealing features of and wander compared to other brands?
Tom: Japanese outdoor brands produce excellent products. I can clearly see that they put every effort into making quality running wear, hiking wear, or any other outdoor clothing and are very attentive to the details. The brands’ mindset, spirit, production, and design seem to coexist in the products they create. We were very thrilled to learn this fact because we found out that we could do the same with eyewear. It’s difficult to explain it in words, but and wander products are very sophisticated. If you pick up and wander’s jacket and take a look at the design including its material, structure, and finish, it is evident that the brand gives a lot of thought to every detail and design. These features make for a sophisticated, classic style.
―Wearing outdoor apparel in urban settings seems to have become established as a standard rather than a trend nowadays. How do you see this transition?
Max: I think we are starting to see a culture shift. Especially in the last couple of years, many of our friends moved out of the city center and chose to live closer to nature amid the pandemic. Now, people can work more flexibly and spend more time with their family, which also led to the update of their wardrobes to include more comfortable clothes. In fact, not only do they demand comfort, but also performance for outdoor use. I feel that the relationship between our work-life, or city-life, and nature-life are being redefined. Just like when streetwear and workwear fashion became a part of our daily wear, we are in the middle of a transition where activewear is becoming a part of our wardrobe. I’d say that we are witnessing a change in history and the opening of a new era.
Tom: Many people are starting to use outdoor products in different scenes and adding new value to its original purpose. It is very exciting to see how outdoor apparel is being accepted by a wide range of people from different genres and subcultures. I believe that the changing dynamics of the outdoor retail industry will push brands like and wander and District Vision to the next level.
MAX「コラボはお互いから学びながら作っていくものだと思っています。ジップアップのカラーなど小さなディテールや、生地同士のボンディングの仕方、実用性のあるポケットの仕様などand wanderにはそういった部分に経験を感じました。僕たちのアートワークにも注目してほしいですね。6年間一緒に仕事をしてくれている素晴らしいアーティスト、Filip Pagowskiが今回も参加してくれています。このコラボは本当に完璧なマリアージュになったと思っています。and wanderのもつ専門的な知識とディテールへの愛が作るクラフトによって、コアなツールキットを作り上げることができました。」
―製作中に、and wanderとの共通点を感じた部分はありますか?
TOM「District Visionをスタートしたとき、僕らは自分たちがもつファッション業界のバックグラウンドに対してあまり誇りをもてませんでした。逆に肩身が狭いような気すらしていたんです。しかしand wanderの二人と話すうちに彼らも同じようなバックグラウンドがあることがわかり、とても嬉しい気持ちになりました。そして、自分たちの過去に自信をもてるようにもなりました。今ではDistrict Visionスタート前のキャリアが自分たちにどのように影響しているかを理解し、感謝しています。」
―and wander とのコラボレーションで、おもしろいと思った点、自分たちの発想にはなかった視点などがあればお伝えください。
TOM「有意義だったのは、and wanderがプロダクトを生み出すときのアプローチ方法やマインドセットを理解できたこと。そしてジェンダーニュートラルなカットやフィット。時代に沿っていて非常に素晴らしいと感じました。また、and wanderのアイデンティティには遊び心があって、身に着ける人たちをシリアスにさせすぎないところが好きです。」
―In this collaboration, where did you put your most effort into?
Max: I think that collaboration is about learning from one another while you work together. Through this collaboration with and wander, I was able to see their experience in the small details and the color of the zippers, their bonding process of materials, and the functional design of the pockets. Another important feature to mention is our artwork. Filip Pagowski, an artist who has now been working with DV for six years, joined us for this collaboration. This collaboration team was more than just perfect. We were able to create a quality toolkit thanks to and wander’s expert knowledge, craftsmanship, and their love in the details of design.
―Did you notice any similarities between and wander and District Vision during this collaboration?
Tom: When we started District Vision, we were not very proud of our previous career in the fashion industry. In fact, we were rather ashamed of our backgrounds. But as we talked with the two designers of and wander, we found out that they also had a similar background and felt very happy. Not only that, but since then, we are able to have pride in our past. Now, we understand how our career before the launch of District Vision is affecting our present selves and feel thankful for it.
―Did you find anything interesting or learn new perspectives that’s different from yours during the collaboration with and wander?
Tom: Understanding and wander’s approach and mindset towards product design was a meaningful experience for us. I was also impressed by the gender-neutral cuts and fits that the brand offers, which is in line with the trend of the times. What I really like about and wander’s identity is its playfulness, which makes the people who wear their product look not too stiff and serious.

ジャケット District Vision × and wander PERTEX wind jacket ¥ 36,300(税込)
Tシャツ District Vision × and wander SS T ¥ 12,100(税込)
MAX「PERTEX wind jacketがお気に入りです。すべてのアイテムが素晴らしいけれど、なかでもジャケットは特にシンプルで美しい。僕はこれを毎日着たいですね。バッグもテストしましたが非常に機能的で、生地の特性がよく理解されていると感じました。」
TOM「僕はDyneema drawstring bagですね。名前にもありますが、このバッグとサコッシュには「ダイニーマ」という世界一の強度をもつ繊維を使用しています。マテリアルに関するストーリーが好きなので、僕にとってはこれが一番クールだと感じます。」
―Which is your favorite item in this latest collaboration collection?
Max: My favorite is the PERTEX wind jacket. All of the collaboration items are wonderful, but most of all, I really love the simplicity and the beauty of the jacket. To be honest, I want to wear it every day. Also, when I tested the collaborative bag, it was very functional, and I could tell that it is made to best suit the characteristics of the fabric.
Tom: My choice is the Dyneema drawstring bag. As implied in the name, both the drawstring bag and sacoche is made of Dyneema, which is the world’s strongest and most durable fiber. I love the unique story behind the development of the material, and I think that’s what makes this item so cool.

バック District Vision × and wander Dyneema drawstring bag ¥ 15,400(税込)
サコッシュ District Vision × and wander Dyneema sacoche ¥ 9,900(税込)
―Do you have any final comments that you would like to share with the readers?
Max: The Japanese people may be familiar with the spirit of Zen and the history and culture of Buddhism, but we also have learned the philosophy of Buddhism little by little through meditation. In the Bay Area of Northern California, there are some famous Zen centers, and as a matter of fact, Zen and Buddhism’s spread to the West began from California. So basically, Northern California and Japan have similar roots and are deeply connected in terms of spirituality. We will be happy if you could understand the importance of the connection between California and Japan through this collection.
text Alice Kazama
photography Naoki Sato
translation Masumi Tokugawa