Maison Kitsuné × and wander
collaboration interviewand wander journal #59
2023年春夏、〈and wander〉は〈Maison Kitsuné〉とのコラボレーション・コレクションを発表した。いったいどのような背景と精神のもとに誕生したコレクションなのか、〈Maison Kitsuné〉のジルダ・ロアエック氏と黒木理也氏、〈and wander〉デザイナーの森美穂子にきいた。
ジルダ・ロアエック氏と黒木理也氏により2002年にパリで設立した〈Maison Kitsuné〉。「ファッション、音楽、コーヒーショップを融合させたユニークで刺激的な“Art de Vivre(暮らしの芸術)”を提供する、多面的なクリエイティブブランドである」。こう二人が語るように、音楽やアートなどの分野にも精通した彼らの活動は、ファッションの枠を超えて、パリのライフスタイルや文化を伝えてきた。
〈Maison Kitsuné〉と〈and wander〉、異色のコラボレーションのように思えるが、これらが生まれた背景とは――?
〈and wander〉 announced the launch of a collaboration collection with 〈Maison Kitsuné〉 for the 2023 Spring/Summer season. We have interviewed Gildas Loaëc and Masaya Kuroki from 〈Maison Kitsuné〉 and designer Mihoko Mori from 〈and wander〉 to learn about their mentality and the story behind the creation of this collection.
Founded in Paris in 2002 by Gildas Loaëc and Masaya Kuroki, 〈Maison Kitsuné〉, as described by the founders, is “a multifaceted, creative brand offering a unique and inspirational ‘Art de Vivre,’ blending a fashion brand, music label, and coffee shops.” Both being well-versed in various areas including music and art, they have expanded their work beyond fashion to showcase Parisian lifestyle and culture.
The items from this newly announced collection use technical fabrics with features such as water-repellency, breathability, and moisture absorption, and they make you want to step out of the city into the great outdoors. The material used for the backpack also provides high abrasion and water resistance to offer practicality for outdoor adventures. Now, the question is, how did this unexpected collaboration between 〈Maison Kitsuné〉 and 〈and wander〉come about, and how were these items created?

森:私たちは自然に触れるきっかけになりたいと常に思っていますので、ファッションマーケットで認知度の高い〈Maison Kitsuné〉とコラボレーションすることで、新しい人たちに自然へとナビゲートできる機会が作れると思いました。また、実はジルダとは20年以上も前に知り合っています。ブランドの拡大を消費者として見ていましたし、ジルダファミリーがハイキングやスキーなどアウトドアアクティビティを楽しんでいるのは知っていたので、今回このような取り組みができてとても嬉しいです。
Maison Kitsuné (以下MK):〈and wander〉は、アウトドアライフスタイルのための技術的なディテールをマスターしながら、確かなクリエイティブ・ビジョンを取り入れるという、非常に優れたセンスをもっています。これが、今回のコラボレーションが実現した理由のひとつだと思います。
―〈Maison Kitsuné〉は都市生活者のためのブランドという印象が強いですが、お二人にとって、自然・アウトドアはどのような存在ですか?
MK:ブランドカルチャーの一環として、私たちは都市の探索に根ざしてきた長い歴史があります。ただ最近のシーズンでは、メゾンはアウトドアの表現もとり入れ、〈Maison Kitsuné Camp〉というシリーズ名で、山でのアクティビティのために作られた商品を展開しています。今回のコラボレーションでは、機能性と実用性を重視し、山と都市の融合を表現しています。
私たちにとっては、〈and wander〉がもつテクニカルファブリックと製造の専門知識を生かして、大自然や山で着用できるコレクションをつくることが非常に重要でした。
森:〈Maison Kitsuné〉のベーシックで気の利いたスタイルと軽やかでウィットの効いたグラフィックを用いながら、〈and wander〉のハイキングウェアとしての裏付けあるものづくりを心がけました。
― What were your impressions when the possibility of this collaboration first came up?
Mori: and wander is always looking to provide an opportunity for everyone to interact with nature. We were confident that collaborating with 〈Maison Kitsuné〉, a strong brand with high recognition in the fashion market, would enable us to create that opportunity and motivate our new customers to explore nature. What’s more, Gildas and I have known each other for more than 20 years. I am absolutely thrilled that we were able to make this collaboration happen because I have seen his brand grow as a consumer, and I also knew his family enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking and skiing.
Maison Kitsuné (“MK”): and wander has a very strong sense of mastering technical details for an outdoor lifestyle while incorporating a strong creative vision. This was one of many reasons why this collaboration was made.
― 〈Maison Kitsuné〉 is often seen as a brand for urbanites. What does nature or outdoor life mean to you?
MK: As part of our brand culture, we have a long history of being rooted in urban exploration. In recent seasons, the house has embraced the great outdoors and has explored gear made for mountainside adventures under the 〈Maison Kitsuné Camp〉 collection. The collaboration collection with 〈and wander〉 expresses a mountains-meet-city sensibility where functionality and practicality are key.
― Could you explain what you aimed to achieve through the collaboration between two brands and what you actually achieved?
MK: The idea of this collaboration was to bring 〈and wander〉 and 〈Maison Kitsuné〉 communities on a new journey, to find a new way to connect with nature and further explore the great outdoors.
It was very important for Maison Kitsuné to have and wander bring their expertise in technical fabric and manufacturing to create a collection that can be worn in the great outdoors, in the mountains.
Mori: We focused on combining 〈Maison Kitsuné〉’s sensible basic style and playful, witty graphics with 〈and wander〉’s proven knowledge and experience in making hiking clothes.
In terms of colors and designs, the two teams brought their ideas to the table and worked together to incorporate both brands’ DNA in harmony successfully. While achieving that fusion of the two unique brands, the items from this collection were designed using the fabrics and features for hiking clothes to ensure functionality and mobility.
MK: Through this collaboration, this collection went from technical active wear clothing to a lifestyle where the clothes could be translated from the big outdoors to a more urban landscape.

森:〈Maison Kitsuné〉にとってのアイコニックなキツネと〈and wander〉のトライアングルマークが見事にマッチして驚きました。つづく2023AWでは、さらに進化したコラボロゴもあります。楽しみにしてください。
― These graphics are beautiful! It really draws you into nature.
MK: The graphic landscape got its inspiration from the great outdoors, discovering the world without boundaries. The never-ending road was inspired by the paintings of David Hockney and Georgia O’Keeffe, drawing attention to a need to reconnect with nature and the beauty of endless landscapes.
― The iconic collaboration logo that fuses the logos of the two brands feels fresh and unique.
MK: The idea behind the logo for this collection was to create a new one using both brands’ logos in a strong visible way.
There was a real process of co-creation for the new collaboration logo. Mixing the codes of both brands, injecting color blocks and seeing how things evolve, both teams enjoyed the creation process so much!
Mori: It was surprising to see how 〈Maison Kitsuné〉’s iconic Fox and 〈and wander〉’s signature triangle matched beautifully with each other. We are also preparing a new and evolved collaboration logo for the 2023 Autumn/Winter season collection, so please look forward to it.

ランドスケープや国立公園など、大自然の中に身を置くという発想がインスピレーションになっているからです。それは、〈Maison Kitsuné〉と〈and wander〉のブランドアイデンティティを保ちながら、制作されたアイテムや色、ディテールに反映されています。ホックニーの世界へ旅するようなイメージです。
森:アクティブな気分になれるコレクションができました。アウトドア遊びのきっかけになりたいです。〈Maison Kitsuné〉とのハイキングクラブも予定しているので、ぜひウェア着用でご参加ください。
― Which one of the items from this collection is your favorite and why?
Mori: My favorite is the hiking jacket. It is color-blocked with refreshing colors and provides the functionality of hiking clothes using fabrics, patterns and features for outdoor use. A pair of white pants, shorts or skirts would perfectly match this jacket, making you want to hit the town in that style. Since it is lightweight, wrinkle-resistant and water-repellent, it will come in handy if you have it in your bag from this season on to combat the air-conditioning chill.
MK: The functional hiking jacket is also one of our favorite pieces from this collection, and we also like the hiking pants made from water-repellent nylons. The sporty silhouette and technical designs make it a perfect fit for everyday activities in the city or the great outdoors.
― What was your inspiration for this collection?
MK: This collection associates functionality and technical fabrics with fashion and versatile silhouettes.
It is based on the inspiration that comes very much from the idea of landscapes and national parks-being out in the great outdoors. This is reflected in the pieces created for the collection, the colors, and the details while keeping 〈and wander〉 and 〈Maison Kitsuné〉 brand identities. The idea was to bring you on a journey into a Hockney world.
Mori: This collaboration collection will surely make you feel energetic. I hope it provides an opportunity for everyone to enjoy outdoor leisure. We also plan on hosting a hiking program with 〈Maison Kitsuné〉. Please feel free to participate, and be sure to wear your hiking clothes!
text Sayoka Hayashi(euphoria FACTORY)
photography Saori Tao
translation Masumi Tokugawa