muraco × and wander
collaboration interview
about new tent “HERON”and wander journal #60
and wander初となるテント「HERON(ヘロン)」が3月17日に発売される。
このテントを開発するうえで、デザイナーの池内啓太がパートナーとして選んだのが〈muraco〉。金属加工会社から生まれたというちょっと異色のアウトドアブランドだ。0.01mmまでこだわった〈muraco〉の金属加工の精度と、数々の独創的なテントを生み出してきた経験。池内のウェア作りで培ってきた生地やデザインのノウハウと、みずからのキャンプ経験。この2者が協力して生まれたテントは、いったいどのようなものなのか。and wander池内啓太と、〈muraco〉を運営する株式会社シンワ代表取締役社長の村上卓也氏の対談で紐解いていきたい。
and wander’s first tent, “HERON,” will be available in stores from March 17th.
As a partner to accompany the team in developing this new tent, Keita Ikeuchi, the designer at and wander, chose 〈muraco〉, a Japanese outdoor brand with an unusual background in the metal processing industry, having a highly precise metal processing technique that enables adjustments of as little as 0.01mm (0.0004 inches). This new tent was created through a collaboration of these two unique teams; it combines 〈muraco〉’s sophisticated technique and its experience in developing ingenious tents with Ikeuchi’s rich knowledge of fabric, expertise in product design, and experience as a camper. This article will dig into the story behind the collaboration and the details of “HERON” through an interview with Keita Ikeuchi and Takuya Murakami, the President and CEO of SHINWA CO., LTD., the operating company of 〈muraco〉.
and wander 池内啓太(以下、池内):僕がいきなりインスタグラムでダイレクトメッセージを送ったんですよね(笑)。
村上卓也氏(以下、村上 ※本文中敬称略):実は、その連絡をもらう一週間前くらいに、社員たちと「うちもそろそろコラボとかしたいよねえ」という話をしていて「例えばand wanderさんとかとできたら最高だねえ」なんて、みんなでしゃべっていて。
― Could you tell us how you first met each other about a year and a half ago for this collaboration project?
Keita Ikeuchi(“Ikeuchi”): Surprisingly, it all started from a direct message I sent him on Instagram (laughs).
Takuya Murakami(“Murakami”): As a matter of fact, just about a week before I received his message, my team was talking about collaborating with other brands, and working with and wander was our number one choice.
Ikeuchi: It was just the right timing!
Murakami: This story seems too good to be true, but it’s real. I immediately gathered all the employees and made the announcement.
― What was your reason for choosing muraco as a partner?
Ikeuchi: I have always wanted to develop tents, and at first, I thought we could run the project completely in-house. But I soon noticed that making tents is very different from making clothes and needed different know-how. On top of that, we were told by the overseas manufacturer that it would take three years to deliver the ordered tent poles due to severe metal shortage. Given this situation, muraco, which makes tent poles in Japan and has rich experience in producing tents, was an obvious choice for us. Another main reason was the strong resonance between and wander products and muraco’s.
Murakami: Could you explain in detail how our products resonate with and wander’s?
Ikeuchi: For example, muraco’s peg hammer and fire pit are clearly different from the competitors’ products. It represents the team’s mindset to think outside the box, which we share in common.

― Here’s a question for Mr. Murakami: Did you find anything challenging during the development process of this tent?

池内:やはりand wanderのアイコンでもあるリフレクターは入れたかったですしね。
Murakami: No, not really. Mr. Ikeuchi had a clear and specific vision of what he wanted to make right from the start when he approached us. So, all we had to do was to turn that idea into an actual product.
Ikeuchi: Well, I was very particular about the details, though.
Murakami: That’s true. He even specified the smallest features.
Ikeuchi: I definitely wanted to use reflective print, which is an iconic design of and wander products.
Murakami: At the end of the day, the tent was extravagant, with reflective prints on all corners.
― What makes this product innovative and unique from other tents?
Ikeuchi: Just printing logos on a tent was the last thing I wanted to do. I have used various single-pole teepee tents, and as a user myself, I have always had opinions and ideas for improvement. So, when I designed “HERON,” I took these “would have been better ifs” and made it real.
Murakami: The structure of the inner tent is quite fascinating.
Ikeuchi: When you set up a regular single-pole teepee tent, you would first erect the inner tent with a pole and then drape the flysheet over it, but the problem is that you can’t avoid getting your sleeping space wet when setting the tent up in the rain. I’ve wanted to improve that and have been considering ways to solve this problem. Then I came up with the idea of making holes at the bottom and the top of the inner tent to allow the users to hook it up after the flysheet is pitched.
Murakami: Not only can you keep the inside of the tent dry when setting up, but it’s also nice that you can pack everything up from the inside and leave the flysheet until the last minute when leaving the campsite. Experienced campers would leave the tarp up while they pack their stuff, but basically, you can now do that with a single tent. Another thing that Mr. Ikeuchi cared very much about was the size.
Ikeuchi: The standard width of teepee tents with a center pole is about 260 to 280cm (8.5 to 9ft). I assume this is the most efficient size for production, but it’s a bit small for the users to use them for camping repeatedly. In order to allow four people to sleep comfortably and attain a height of 210cm (7ft) to have enough room to fully stand inside, we had to create a tent with a width of 330cm (11ft).
Murakami: I talked to the staff at the manufacturing factory and asked if they could make a 330cm-width tent. After we received and compared two samples, one with a 280cm-width and the other with a 330cm-width, it was obvious that the latter was better.
Ikeuchi: This 50cm made a huge difference! It drastically changed the comfort inside the tent.
Murakami: We have been asking for many things for muraco’s tents, so I’m sure the staff at the factory were prepared to handle our requests for this project too (laughs).
Ikeuchi: The tent has front and back entrances, which you can fully open. Walking in and out of the tent is very easy, and it provides excellent ventilation during the summer.

村上:そうです。しかも材料から新しくand wanderのために作っているオンリーワンの存在です。
― I see that there’s an English message on one side of the tent. It says: “and wander and muraco share the same passion and technology when producing new products that they believe will help people to upgrade their outdoor activities.”
Ikeuchi: Mr. Murakami came up with this message.
Murakami: It kind of makes you feel awkward reading that out loud, doesn’t it (laughs)?
Ikeuchi: But I think this shared passion and vision between us played a big part in realizing this collaboration. Also, when we first visited muraco’s factory, we felt their pride in delivering quality products without compromise.
― Where did the name “HERON” derive from?
Murakami: When we went to a nearby park together to pitch the initial samples for testing, we found a nesting colony of herons, and Mr. Ikeuchi remembered that.
Ikeuchi: That’s right. I recalled that view when I was trying to come up with a good product name and recognized that the word Heron has a nice ring to it. In fact, naming the product after a bird was my initial idea. As one of the features of this product, you can use the additional poles to lift the sides of the flysheet after you set the main pole up and make it stretch out for an extended roof, which looks as if a bird is spreading its wings.
― Could you tell us about the tent pole specially made for this collaboration?
Murakami: We have changed the material as compared to our product line and developed a new tent pole specifically for and wander. It truly is one of a kind.
Ikeuchi: I was surprised by the next-level quality of the finish. It was beyond comparison to other competitors’ products.
Murakami: Having a background in the metal processing industry, we feel the need to show our pride in that area.
Ikeuchi: Many people would underestimate it and think it’s merely a pole, but it demonstrates the aesthetic appeal of an object.
Murakami: I’m so happy to hear that, but it was all thanks to Mr. Ikeuchi’s idea. If you could just throw us an idea, we can take it from there because we are confident in processing metals into any shape desired.

― Ikeuchi: You also have a very well-equipped factory to enable that.
Murakami: It is our policy to empower every staff to be able to process metals while ensuring the best quality by installing state-of-the-art machinery.
Ikeuchi: The difference of 0.01mm affects the quality significantly in the world of metal processing, but I think no other companies put that much passion into quality when producing tent poles.
― Did you discover anything new through this cross-industrial collaboration?
Murakami: We have learned a lot through this collaboration. We were producing tents and other outdoor products while operating a business as a metal processing company, but through discussions with Mr. Ikeuchi, we were able to gain new perspectives on fabrics and develop a sense for it. For instance, when we found wrinkles on a sample, he taught us how to change the design to solve that problem. Besides product design, we also learned about effective production management and PR strategy. and wander has given us so many tips and advice.
Ikeuchi: I felt I should learn from his growth mindset to take on new challenges constantly. Mr. Murakami showed me how to act as a company leader and provided many other takeaways that are valuable, both business-wise and personally.
― What about your future plans?
Ikeuchi: Actually, we are already preparing for a new project. It would be nice if we could continue making tents and maybe try making backpacking tents in the future.
Murakami: We have installed a new machine for making backpacking tent poles, so my team is all good to go (laughs).

photography Momoka Omote
text Takashi Sakurai