Gramicci & and wander
collaboration interviewand wander journal #73
1982年にカリフォルニア州・ヨセミテで誕生し、クライミングにはじまり、さまざまなカルチャーとも結びついて世界中で愛されている〈Gramicci〉。今回のand wanderとのコラボレーションには、どういった思いや願いが込められているのか。〈Gramicci〉からはディレクターのステファン氏、and wanderからはデザイナーの森・池内を含む、双方の企画チームに話を訊いた。
and wander:25年前、ボルダリングを始めた時にGramicciのショートパンツを履いて、壁にへばりついていたのを今でも思い出します。アウトドアの自由な空気を纏っている気がして、四六時中、履いていたのを覚えています。また、その時に聴いていたロックバンドのアーティストがグラミチパンツを履いているのを発見したのもハッピーな思い出で、今回はその自由な空気やハッピーな気持ちをデザインに落とし込みました。
Gramicci:and wanderのことは以前から知っていて、クライミングやアウトドアウェアのディテールを新しい表現でデザインしているので、気になっていました。ディテールやクラフトマンシップへのこだわりも一目瞭然。バッグなど面白いアクセサリーもそろえているイメージで、アイテムの実用性と洗練されたデザインを両立させているなと。
Established in 1982 in Yosemite, California, Gramicci originated from the world of rock climbing but soon gained global admiration by connecting a variety of cultures. What sentiments drive their latest collaboration with Tokyo brand, and wander? We sat down with Gramicci’s director, Stefan, and and wander’s designers Mori and Ikeuchi to learn more about their partnership.
―Do you have any impressions or personal anecdotes of each other’s brands?
and wander:I still remember wearing Gramicci shorts and clinging to the walls when I first started bouldering around 25 years ago. Wearing them felt like embracing the free-spirited essence of the outdoors, and I wore them all the time. Another happy memory is finding out that artists from rock bands I listened to also wore Gramicci pants, so for this collaboration, I aimed to capture that sense of liberation and joy in the design.
Gramicci:I've known about and wander for some time, and what caught my interest is their innovative approach to designing the distinctive details of climbing and outdoor wear. They have a diverse lineup including interesting bags and accessories, and have a clear commitment to craftsmanship that appears to seamlessly combine functionality with sophisticated design.

and wander:創業当時の様子が残る写真集などから感じる自然に向き合う姿勢や自由なリラックスしたムードは魅力的です。ヨセミテ国立公園に行くと、素晴らしい自然はもちろんですが、今でも変わらないムードを感じることができます。
―This collection is themed around Yosemite, which is considered a sacred place for the brand. Please share any stories you may have about the place.
Gramicci:Our entire story originated from the rocks of Yosemite, serving as our "starting point" and the essential "core" of our brand. Yosemite holds significance for Gramicci through the historical connection to climbing and the laid-back lifestyle of California. We consistently draw inspiration from these Yosemite roots when designing.
and wander:The natural and relaxed mood captured in photos of the early days of the company is enchanting. When you visit Yosemite National Park, you can of course experience the magnificent nature but also the distinctive, unchanged atmosphere.

―Gramicciとand wanderのアイコニックなコラボロゴも印象的ですね。
Gramicci:正直なところ、コレクションのデザインを考える前に、一瞬で浮かんだのがこのコラボロゴでした。and wanderのリフレクティブロゴデザインを生かしながら、シンプルで力強いロゴを考えました。
and wander:街での使用はもちろん、軽いハイキングやボルダリング、キャンプなどに使える素材を選んでいます。Gramicciの開脚しやすいパターンはそのままにand wanderらしくリフレクターの糸使いやテーパードの角度などのシルエットやディテールを整えています。
―The striking color palette, layering purple gradients in a patchwork style, really caught our eye. What aspects of the coloring and design for this collaboration do you particularly like?
Gramicci:We wanted to incorporate vibrant colors into this season’s collection. I really appreciate the unique patchwork design that combines different shades of purple, and the climbing-inspired details such as the utility pockets, webbing belts, and concealed fasteners align perfectly with our philosophy of "liberating movement."
―The Gramicci and and wander collaboration logo also really stands out.
Gramicci:Honestly, before even thinking about the design of the collection, the first thing that came to mind was this collaboration logo. We wanted to leverage and wander's reflective design while creating a simple yet powerful logo.
―From a design perspective, what kind of activities do you have in mind for this collection?
and wander:We've chosen materials that work well not only for city use but also for activities like casual hiking, bouldering, and camping. While keeping Gramicci's easy-to-move pattern intact, we've fine-tuned the details with the distinctive touches of and wander, including the use of reflective threads and adjustments to the silhouette.

and wander:時代の風雪に耐え、アウトドアの定番であり続けるGramicciの強さを現代の空気もまとったand wanderの感性で捉えなおすことで、新しいスタンダードのかたちが実現できるといいなと思いました。
and wander:標高の高いところというより、山の麓から街をつなぐアイテムが揃っています。アウトドアにあまり縁のない方にもトライしやすいコレクションなので、アウトドアの自由な空気感 (グラミチ)と、感性(アンドワンダー)を楽しんでもらえたらと思います。
―Please tell us what your aims were for coming together in this collaboration.
Gramicci:Our goal for this collaboration was to embrace an honest approach to craftsmanship and introduce a fresh perspective that resonated with both brands.
and wander:We aspired to redefine Gramicci's enduring outdoor strength, adapting it to withstand the challenges of today's era. By infusing it with our contemporary sensibility, we hoped to create a new standard.
―Who do you envision wearing this collection and where?
and wander:The items in this collection are designed not so much for high altitudes, but to link the mountainside to the city. It's a collection that even those less into outdoor activities can easily wear, so we hope people can savor both the free outdoor atmosphere of Gramicci and the sensibility of and wander.
Gramicci:This collection seamlessly blends various materials and designs, highlighting the unique features of each brand. Born from the rocks of Yosemite about 40 years ago, Gramicci has permeated various subcultures over time. While there is a strong focus on the product, the laid-back attitude is also well reflected in the design. Why not experience that characteristic “tongue-in-cheek" touch that is distinctive to Gramicci?

photography Shotaro Ebara
translation Iree Torii