My way and and wander vol.1Kei Taniguchi (photographer)and wander journal #04
Things that doesn't change and are kept unchanged
What is the one thing you haven't changed over the years during the shoots?
I am often quite conscious of changing, but maintaining something unchanged ― that's more at a subliminal level and difficult to be conscious of. Hmm. Something that hasn't changed… Color? Nah. Let me see…
Well, I'm not the type to take fuzzy and abstract photos. Whenever I release the shutter, I always have a clear image of what I want to convey. Photographs are something that you look at, but for me, it is also an image with a story that is to be interpreted. Trying to tell the whole story in one still image; that is one of the most important things that I value. So, my passion for expressing some kind of a message that I want to convey in a photo for the viewers, is something that hasn't changed ever since I started shooting. It feels great when my mind is perfectly in focus with my message, and of course, not to mention my camera to literally be in focus.

僕は、服に対しては保守的なんですよ。トレンドや新しいものに手を出したりすることはほとんどしないのですが、このフリースはなぜか違いました。素材のハイブリッド感だったり、フード周りのボリューム感だったり、新鮮な驚きはありましたが、そこに変な奇抜さはない。それでいて、シルエットだけでand wanderのものだと分かる。個性と普通のバランスがとてもいいんでしょうね。だから、僕みたいな保守的ファッションな人間にも、悪目立ちせずに馴染んでくれる。きちんとしている感じもありますし、着心地も良く、動きやすい。だからどんな撮影現場に着ていっても違和感がない。もうこのフリースは6年くらい着ていますが、古くさくもならない。こういう物が後々、いわゆる定番アイテムと呼ばれるようになるんでしょうね。
Why do you continue to wear and wander's Top Fleece Jacket?
I'm quite conservative in clothing. Since I don't have a lot of interest in what I wear, it's very rare for me to try out something new. But for some reason, this fleece jacket was different. It uses two different materials and has a voluminous collar, so there were some fresh surprises, but it doesn't look eccentric. Yet, you can instantly recognize that it is an item of and wander's, just by looking at the silhouette. I believe it has a really good balance of uniqueness and ordinariness. That is why this fleece jacket doesn't stand out too much and actually matches a fashion-conservative like me as well. It looks decent and not too rough, but comfortable and easy to move around. Wherever I go shooting, I would never feel awkward with this jacket on. It has been 6 years since I started wearing it, but it's never out of style. I guess these kinds of products are what we would call a standard item later on.
Kei Taniguchi 谷口 京
1974年 京都市生れ、横浜育ち。日本大学芸術学部写真学科卒。
A Japanese photographer born in Kyoto in 1974 and raised in Yokohama. A graduate of Nihon University College of Art, Department of Photography.
After studying under Keibun Miyamoto, an advertising photographer, he started his own business based in Brooklyn, New York. Besides shooting for magazines, catalogs, and advertising, he had traveled over 60 countries mainly in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. After returning to Japan in 2004, he engaged in wide range of activities including reconstruction assistance for Afghanistan and mountaineering expedition to the Himalaya.
His work experience expands across various media platforms: Fashion, portrait, landscape photography shooting, contributing travelogues, and going on talk-shows.
text Takashi Sakurai
photography Koichi Tanoue
translation Masumi Tokugawa