My way and and wander vol.3Yoshimi Matsumoto
(The co-owner of〈Nezu Matsumoto〉)and wander journal #09
The consistent philosophy of
a beautiful, premium specialty fish shop
I have always been conscious about offering the highest-quality seafood in the best condition among any other fish shops, since day one. My husband, the owner of the shop, and all the other staffs are confident fish connoisseurs as well as chefs, and I have absolute trust in them. They give me a deep sense of security and reliability, allowing me to focus on my part of the job. When I am in the shop, I serve the customers and prepare packages for gifts and delivery. I’m also working on sharing information on how to best cook and preserve the fish. Every day, I’m looking for the best way that the consumers can fully enjoy our top-quality fish in its best condition. For me, I guess the one thing that hasn’t changed over the years is my mindset to “keep changing”.
Also, I try to make sincere efforts to everyone and everything that involves in my business. Even with our delivery service for online purchases, I want to make sure that our product is packed with care, so that it maintains the quality, with no drips or mixed smell of other fish, until it is delivered to our customers. At the same time, we avoid unnecessary packaging while maintaining the quality, since we are also in the position to contribute to marine conservation. It is my policy to treat everyone and everything including our customers, fish, and the environment, with sincerity.

作業時は常にand wander
仕事着はほぼand wanderで、レインスカートは、前掛けとして使っています。防水の前掛けってなかなかいいのがないんですよ。ゴム挽きの前掛け、機能的にはいいんですけど、それを着てちゃあ、ワクワクしないなあって。さらにサコッシュにはペンやガムテープを入れて。白衣もand wanderのシャツです。勝手に店のロゴを刺繍しちゃったんですけど、大丈夫かしら? デザイナーさん、気を悪くされたりしませんか……?
and wanderを着続けているのは、ちょっと変な言い方かもしれませんが、自分の気持ちの足かせにならないからですね。綺麗なものってだいたい、心を配らなければいけない繊細さがありますよね。でもand wanderの場合は、綺麗なんだけど、同時に物としてのタフさがあります。私、思い立ったらすぐ実行したいんですよ。ジープに乗っているのも、急に砂浜を走りたくなったり冒険したくなったとき、私の気持ちにしっかりついてきてくれるから。and wanderも、そういう自分の自由な意志にちゃんとついてきてくれる、まさに相棒です。自分を限定しない服。それが着続ける一番の理由です。
and wander item used as a daily workwear:
A remarkable compatibility with a fish shop
Most of my workwear is from and wander and I use their sil skirt as a waist apron. I tell you, it’s quite difficult to find a stylish, waterproof waist apron. There were lots of rubber aprons that a typical fishmonger would wear, but those were not the ones I was looking for. I’m sure they’re practical, but there’s not much excitement. I use and wander’s sacoche for carrying around pens and a duct tape. Also, their white collared-shirt is used for our chef-coat. Actually, was it okay for me to put our logo embroidered on to the shirt? I hope this doesn’t get your designers feel bad…
and wander’s fleece items are also a must. Working in a fish shop can be very chilly. As a matter of fact, we make over 100 units of Osechi (Japanese traditional New Year’s dish) at the end of the year, but since we had a mild winter this year, we had our shop air-conditioned on some of the days to keep our products fresh. In such a situation, down jackets would hamper mobility and washing it can also be time-consuming. That’s why their fleece items are perfect for warmth. The outdoor-oriented design and its well-thought-out functionality is, in fact, compatible with our job.
It may be a strange way to put it, but the reason I keep using and wander items is that it will never place a burden on my feelings. Most of the time, when you buy fine clothes, you have to take good care of them and treat them delicately. Well, that’s not the case for and wander. Their items have the finest design, but it’s also tough and durable. I’m the type of a person who acts on impulse. That is the very reason why I have a Jeep; it’s so that I can drive on a beach or go on an adventure whenever I feel like it. I have my own free will, and just like my Jeep, this brand resonates with it. We’re basically partners. Clothes that don’t limit my style. That is my number one reason for wearing their items.
The co-owner of〈Nezu Matsumoto〉
東京生まれ。2006年に東京・根津に「根津松本」をご主人の秀樹さんとともにオープンし、お店を切り盛りしている。店舗デザインやロゴマーク、プライスカードなど、すべてのデザインを担当。最高級の魚にこだわり、味はもちろん、ケースに並ぶ魚たちは宝石のように美しい。最近では、のり弁も話題で予約が殺到している。超のつくand wander好きで、今回紹介したほかにもバックパックはジム用。大型トートは趣味の書道道具を持ち運ぶのに愛用している。
Instagram : nezumatsumotojapan
Born in Tokyo, Japan. She has been operating “Nezu Matsumoto”, a specialty fish shop in Nezu (Tokyo), together with her husband, Hideki Matsumoto, since the opening of the shop in 2006. She is in charge of all the design work including the spatial design, shop logo, and price cards. The shop is known for serving the top-quality, freshest seafood with the finest taste. The seafood is beautifully lined up in their fish case, shining like a gem. Recently, they have been receiving overwhelming orders for “nori-bento” (seaweed lunch box), which is also becoming one of their popular menus. She is an avid lover of the and wander brand. Other than the items introduced in this article, she uses and wander’s backpack for the gym, as well as a large-sized tote bag for carrying around tools for her hobby, Japanese calligraphy.
Instagram : nezumatsumotojapan
text Takashi Sakurai
photography Koichi Tanoue
translation Masumi Tokugawa