My way and and wander vol.11Mayumi Yamashita (YouTuber, Model)and wander journal #50

Conveying the allure of the mountains with my own words
The reason I started hiking mountains was that I wanted to run a full marathon and I figured that the mountain would be a great training environment during the summer season. Right from the start, I went on a two-day, one-night hike to challenge a 3000-meter mountain, and I really loved how I can take myself up to a place with a beautiful view with my own feet. From my third year as a hiker, I made my trip plans and went on solo hikes. By then, I was completely into mountain hiking. At that time, I was working as a model in Nagoya and hiking was just a part of my hobby. I was hoping that I get a chance to get featured in an outdoor magazine someday, but I had no idea on how to deliver my message to the masses on my own. Later, I moved to Nagano prefecture, and now, I plan, shoot, and edit my contents on YouTube all by myself. When I work as a model, my job is to understand what the production team wants to create and give 100% effort to express and reproduce their image, but now, I need to do everything on my own. It’s tough. My video production technique is completely self-taught. There is a Japanese videographer that I admire named Takuro Inoue, who shoots beautiful, stunning videos of mountains, and he was the reason that I started creating videos. Initially, I used to make 1-minute videos to post on Instagram, but I figured it would be exciting to start a YouTube channel. I researched online to learn various editing techniques, gained insights from other people’s shooting styles that I want to use, and finally settled into my current style. Now, I’m starting to get more mountain-related jobs that I’ve wished for. It’s no longer a hobby; it’s a part of my career. To convey the allure of the mountains with my own words, I am continuously seeking ways to make my viewers happy and to better present sceneries in my videos.

正直なところ、山ってどんなところなんだろうって、イメージがわかない人も多いと思うんです。「すごく辛いんでしょう」とか「高性能の服装じゃなきゃ駄目で、お洒落もできない」とか「メイクは崩れちゃうからしないんでしょ」といったようなことを言われるんです。だけど、そんなことないんだよ、服装もすごくお洒落なのもあるから、と。そういった山に対する先入観を取っ払って、ファッションやメイクも楽しみつつ山ができることも伝えていきたいですね。and wanderの服はまさにその想いを体現するもの。もともとand wanderを大好きな夫が、「こんなブランドがあるから山にいいんじゃない」ってお勧めしてくれたのが知ったきっかけです。それを見た瞬間、カッコイイ!と思ったのですが、その時はこれを山で着るのはどうなんだろう、着こなせないなぁと思っていました。でも、ルックブックなんかを見るうちに、これで山を歩いたらめっちゃかっこいいかもって思い始めて。そんな時、夫が誕生日プレゼントにダンガリーのシャツをプレゼントしてくれたんです。数年前でしょうか。それが私のファーストand wander。以来、全身and wanderの日もあるくらい、とっても大好きなブランドです。もちろん、山に登るときは機能性が大事ですが、私の中では、それに加えて見た目と、色合い。今日着ているシャツは色違いで買ってしまったほどお気に入り。この山にはこっちの色のほうが合うかなとか、苔の森の雰囲気がかわいらしい北八ヶ岳には短パンにベレー帽がいいかなとか、山のイメージに色やコーディネートを考えて、山へ行く前日はいつもファッションショーをしています。
Can you enjoy fashion and makeup on a mountain? ―YES.
To be honest, I think many people don’t have a clear picture of what it is like to be on a mountain. Oftentimes, I get comments and questions like, “It must be tough and exhausting!”, “Outdoor clothing is all about performance and not ‘looks’”, or “You don’t wear makeup because it’s going to come off anyway, right?”, and I would always tell them that it’s really not like that and some outdoor clothing are actually very stylish. I want to remove these preconceptions about mountain activities and share that you can enjoy fashion and makeup even in the mountains. In fact, and wander’s outdoor clothing represents my vision perfectly. I came to know about and wander when my husband, who is a big fan of the brand, said to me, “Hey, here’s a brand that you should know, and I’m sure their products are nice to wear in the mountains.” From the moment I first saw and wander’s product, I loved it. The design was eye-grabbing, but at the same time, I was not sure how suitable it was for mountain hiking and also if it would look good on me. But as I flipped through the images of the brand’s lookbook, I started to think that it would be really cool to wear them when I hike. Soon after, my husband gave me and wander’s dungaree as my birthday present. I believe it was a few years back, and that was my very first and wander product. Since then, and wander has been my favorite brand. As a matter of fact, I love the brand’s products so much that I sometimes even wear them head-to-toe. Functionality is important when you hike in the mountains, but on top of that, the design and color are also important for me. The shirt that I’m wearing today is one of my favorites and I actually bought it in different colors. I try to choose clothes and colors that best match the atmosphere of each mountain. So, on the day before the departure, I would always be like, “For that mountain, should I wear this color instead?” or “Would a combination of shorts and a beret be a good match for the charming moss forest in Kita-Yatsugatake?” It’s almost like a fashion show.

年間を通して、低山から3000m級の山々まで、さまざまな山を登っている山下舞弓さん。10月に開催予定のand wanderハイキングクラブのゲストとして参加いただきます。詳しくはこちらにて。
Mayumi Yamashita is an experienced all-year-round hiker who travels to mountains of different heights, from low mountains to high mountains reaching up to 3000 meters. She will be the guest of the “and wander hiking club” event scheduled to be held in October. For more information, please see here.
YouTuber, Model
Mayumi Yamashita is a professional model, appearing in various media including TV shows, commercial ads, and magazines. She started hiking mountains in 2012, and later opened a YouTube channel called “Otona-joshi-no-yamanobori (Grown-up woman’s mountain hike)” in 2020. She posts videos of her hiking trips as well as her camping recipes and recommended outdoor gears to share the allure of the mountains.
text Sayoka Hayashi
photography Rui Kimura
translation Masumi Tokugawa